Lockdown, racism & privileges in Paris

Photo: Johanna Lagerlöf.

Of: Johanna Lagerlöf

During the ongoing pandemic and impending lockdown, I left Paris this spring, which has been my home for the past few years. Being in a lockdown or not was the question, where I thought "not" and could easily take me to Sweden and family. During the time I lived in Paris, I also never encountered any obstacles or restrictions when […]

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November 26, 2020, Chronicle

The UN's 75th anniversary is marked by global conflicts

State-based violence kills the most, says Peter Wallensteen. Photo: UCPD, Active state-based conflicts in 2019

Of: Frida Lamberth Wallensteen

More than fifty armed conflicts are currently taking place around the world, mainly in the Middle East and Africa. - The number of people who die in war has decreased, but at the same time many refugees cannot return to their home countries, says Peter Wallensteen, peace and conflict researcher.

November 25, 2020, Interview

Europe in Africa: The reversed migration crisis

The most common illegal migrant route into Ceuta is climbing the barbed wire at the border to Morocco. Photo: Markus Barnevik Olsson.

Of: Markus Barnevik Olsson

2020 will go down in history as the year of turbulent surprises. Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in northern Morocco, is certainly not an exception. COVID-19 has triggered a reversed migration crisis in the EU's barbed-fenced stronghold on the African continent.

November 9, 2020, English, FUF-correspondents, Magazine, News article

Debate on freedom of expression after the terrorist attack in France

Photo: Canva.com

When teacher Samuel Paty was assassinated in Paris after showing Muhammad characters, the discussion about freedom of speech and Islamist extremism flared up in the media. French President Macron faces harsh criticism from Turkish President Erdogan for his statements in connection with the terrorist attack, reports Sydsvenskan.

November 5, 2020, Current debate

Complex humanitarian crisis in the world's youngest nation

Photo: https://msf.exposure.co/enduring-bentiu

Of: Linnea Boström

Two years ago, a peace agreement was signed between warring parties in South Sudan, but internal conflicts have continued since then. Two thirds of the population are in need of humanitarian aid. The country is now suffering from devastating floods that are exacerbating the situation in the country.

October 22, 2020, News

Buddhists in Myanmar continue to deny crimes against humanity

Today, most Rohingya are stateless and lack citizenship in their home country. Photo: canva.com.

Of: Niklas Foxeus

For the first time, deserted soldiers in Myanmar testify about mass killings and rapes in 2017 against Rohingya carried out on the orders of their officers. More than 10 Rohingya are said to have been killed and more than 000 people have fled to Bangladesh due to the violence of the Burmese arm.

October 6, 2020, Analysis

Armed violence is a threat to peace and sustainable development

The uncontrolled flow of small and light weapons has serious consequences around the world, the debaters write. Photo: Pixabay

Every hour, 25 people in the world die due to armed violence. At the same time, we see how violence and conflicts are spreading around the world where the Corona pandemic is predicted to increase the risk of more conflicts. Peace cannot be taken for granted and the world must put an end to armed violence, write several current and former members of parliament from various parties on International Peace Day.

September 21, 2020, Debate