A militarized Myanmar is a threat to women
A military coup has thrown Myanmar into a battlefield with women at the vanguard. Undeterred by soldiers slaughtering protesters in the streets of Yangon, the struggle for democracy continues.
All published articles with the tag "Burma".
A military coup has thrown Myanmar into a battlefield with women at the vanguard. Undeterred by soldiers slaughtering protesters in the streets of Yangon, the struggle for democracy continues.
Of: Jill Karlström Thunberg and Wintana Abraham
Over the past week, the UN has once again condemned the violence in Myanmar. The EU has now introduced stricter restrictions on the military junta and the development aid debate has affected Sida, which has granted SEK XNUMX million to those fleeing the regime's attacks. At the same time, the demonstrations continue around the country, but this week with an Easter egg theme.
April 6, 2021, Current debate
Of: Christina Jelmin
- Why do I feel like a criminal on the run? We have not done anything wrong and yet we are forced to flee. These monsters, they should be ashamed. My friend writes to me at the same time as she gets in the car that will take her away from the violence in Yangon to the relative security in the countryside. Next to her she has her mother, it is to her home village they are on their way. If they are stopped in a roadblock, the official explanation is that she will escort her mother home. But the truth is that she herself must get out of Yangon in order not to risk being caught.
March 22, 2021, Guest chronicle
Of: Niklas Foxeus
For the first time, deserted soldiers in Myanmar testify about mass killings and rapes in 2017 against Rohingya carried out on the orders of their officers. More than 10 Rohingya are said to have been killed and more than 000 people have fled to Bangladesh due to the violence of the Burmese arm.
October 6, 2020, Analysis
The climate strike that Greta Thunberg started last year has spread all over the world. FUF's correspondent met two climate activists in Myanmar - a country that is hard hit by climate change.
August 26, 2019, FUF-correspondents
Of: Aung Khan Ming and Khin Ohmar
The Rohingya minority group is being subjected to brutal abuses in Burma, but the human rights commission that is supposed to protect them is making the situation worse instead. Sweden, which has previously provided financial support to the Commission, can make a difference by supporting civil society instead. It writes two human rights activists from the Swedish Burma Committee's partner organization Progressive Voice.
December 13, 2017, Debate
Of: Jenny Hedstrom and Johanna Kvist
In recent years, Burma has opened up to the outside world, but women are still excluded from political contexts. It is crucial for the country's continued democratic development to strengthen the rights of girls and women. Sweden should therefore increase support for the local women's organizations whose gender equality work has already led to real change, write Jenny Hedström and Johanna Kvist from the Swedish Burma Committee.
March 16, 2017, Debate
Of: Angelika Kahlo
Now that Burma is opening up to the outside world, tour operators, the media and the tourists themselves are closing their eyes to the backs of the top-governed country's socially and ecologically unsustainable tourism industry. In the long run, tourism can play an important role in Burma's economic development, but tourists should refrain from traveling to Burma until human rights are respected and a truly civilian, democratic government rules in parliament. It writes Angelika Kahlos, S-Studenternas Burmautskott.
November 1, 2013, Debate