Attitudes towards vaccinations a challenge for Ukraine

The number of vaccinated in Ukraine is low compared to other countries in Europe. Despite this, crowds gathered during the summer of 2021. Photo: The writer's.

Of: Nick Nguyen

Vaccination is crucial for a country to be able to put the pandemic behind it. But the slow pace of vaccination throughout Eastern Europe means that the pandemic may return in full force this autumn. In Ukraine, our correspondent is trying to find out why the willingness to vaccinate is low even among the young and well-educated.

September 14, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

Children's rights in Africa one year into the pandemic

Photo: Jurgen, Flickr

Of: Hanna Kristiansen

The pandemic has been devastating for many children on the African continent. Children have lost valuable education and domestic violence has increased as a result of closed schools. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed Elin Axelgren, international program manager at SOS Children's Villages, to hear how the work goes into the pandemic one year.

June 23, 2021, Interview

The pandemic increases the need for midwives

Studies show that access to a midwife during pregnancy and childbirth saves lives. Photo: Flickr.

Of: Jonna Erdos

Several bodies report that maternity care as well as other bodies for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have suffered in the crisis. Sweden has a long tradition of promoting the role of the midwife. The serious international situation requires further efforts to meet the global need for 900 more midwives, reports UNFPA.

June 22, 2021, Reportage

Vaccine nationalism - a postcolonial power game

Photo:, Pexels

Of: Jasmine Ashne

Vaccine nationalism is a word that, along with corona distance, herd immunity and hobby epidemiologist, has been added to my vocabulary over the past year. Vaccine nationalism refers to when high-income countries sign agreements with vaccine manufacturers to ensure that their own population is vaccinated as quickly as possible. Protecting one's own is a natural and human behavior, but the problem […]

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May 23, 2021, Chronicle

International solidarity, a concept in rocking

Development cooperation must focus more on global justice and lead to human security and disarmament and reduce gaps between North and South, according to the Foreign Affairs Committee for the Feminist Initiative.

Of: Jaime Gomez, Jaime Gomez et al., Maria Persson, Mats Ekenger and Saga Tullgren

For the first time in over two decades, there are now alarming reports of growing gaps in the world. The one percent target should therefore, contrary to where the Moderates believe, remain. Development cooperation must focus more on global justice and lead to human security and disarmament and reduce gaps between North and South, according to the Foreign Affairs Committee for the Feminist Initiative.

May 5, 2021, Debate

Week 17: New wave of covid-19 in India, Swedish geopolitics and authoritarian regimes

Photo: Firos nv, Unsplash

Of: Erica Frank and Sofia Karlsson

This week, the debate has mainly focused on global health, focusing on India's new wave of covid-19, so-called vaccine nationalism, and how the Indian government has handled the crisis. It has also been written about Erdogan's influence on Swedish history writing and about Swedish handling of authoritarian regimes.

May 4, 2021, Current debate

The debt crisis after the pandemic

Photo: John McArthur, Unsplash

Of: Rine Mansouri

The corona pandemic has hit everyone hard, but now another type of crisis is expected to hit low- and middle-income countries, a debt crisis of enormous proportions as a result of the pandemic's effects and strain on their already fragile welfare systems. One potential solution, according to the International Monetary Fund, is so-called Special Drawing Rights.

May 3, 2021, Reportage

Week 16: New climate goals, Navalny's state of health and the issue of development aid color this week's debate

Of: Jasmine Ashne and Jonna Erdos

The EU and the US have this week announced new climate goals, something that has been received on the leadership pages with both cheers and skepticism. Swedish development assistance has also aroused commitment in connection with the global vaccination against covid-19. The imprisonment of the Russian opinion leader Alexei Navalny has continued to be a hot topic and several debaters are demanding that the outside world mark.

April 26, 2021, Current debate