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Podcast episode: This is how Swedish companies affect climate change in developing countries

The role of the private sector in counteracting climate change is both praised and criticized. In this podcast episode, FUF's Almedals editor takes a closer look at the role Swedish companies can play in climate change in developing countries. We enlist the help of experts from both civil society and business to sort out the issue. Participants Jan Larsson, CEO, Business Sweden Louise Lindfors, general secretary, […]

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August 16, 2022, FUF pods

New podcast: "Did you say democracy?"

Are you interested in democracy, global development and human rights? "Did you say democracy?" is a new podcast that follows and analyzes elections in countries that do not receive sufficient attention in traditional media. The podcast is a collaboration between FUF Stockholm Södra, the Stockholm UN Association's Youth Section, the Foreign Policy Association Stockholm and the Citizens' School. The first podcast episode was released on November 11 […]

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November 24, 2021, FUF pods

Trafficking, prostitution and porn - how are they related?

Trafficking occurs in all countries, both within and across national borders. What is usually called the slavery of our time, usually means that vulnerable people are taken to rich countries and exploited in various ways. Trafficking in human beings is today one of the world's largest criminal activities. It has an annual turnover of several hundred billion kronor, of which a large proportion is directly linked to […]

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October 31, 2019, FUF pods

Meet the Swede who designed the global goals

Jakob Trollbäck and the global goals

Jakob Trollbäck is the one who has designed and created the communication around the global goals. Photo: Ainali and Wikimedia Commons

Of: Benjamin Hellström Blom

Communicating major UN documents to the world is no easy task. The Swedish designer Jakob Trollbäck took on the task of communicating the global goals to a broad global public. He created a grid of colors, symbols and simple words. In the podcast, Jakob Trollbäck talks about how it went when he scored the global goals […]

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October 25, 2019, FUF pods

Women's power to prevent conflict and promote democracy

Around the world, women build peace through mobilization in civil society. At the same time, we see a global trend of militarized societies and shrinking democratic space. Particularly, women's rights defenders are constantly being threatened as a consequence of their work. Anne Atambo is the President of the Kenyan section of Women's International League for […]

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October 4, 2019, FUF pods

SHAME - a sincere talk about injustice

Hundreds of thousands of Swedes are on holiday in dictatorships such as Thailand and Morocco. Our clothes are manufactured under poor working conditions in countries with widespread poverty. The rich are getting richer and the gaps are widening. How do we deal with shame? Can it be transformed into change? In the corner of injustice, OmVärlden's editor-in-chief Ylva Bergman is visited by Zinat Pirzadeh, Ahmed Abdirahman, Hewan Temeshgen and Kent Wisti. Humor and […]

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July 10, 2019, FUF pods

SHAME - a sincere talk about the climate crisis

Children go on school strike for the climate and accuse previous generations of destroying our planet. Fly shame became part of our dictionary 2018. Words like multiple child shame and meat shame are also becoming more common. How do we deal with shame? Can it be transformed into change? In the shame corner of the climate crisis, OmVärlden's editor-in-chief Ylva Bergman is visited by Emil Jensen, Åsa Romson, Anders Wijkman and Kent […]

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July 10, 2019, FUF pods

Where is South Africa heading after the elections?

For the sixth time since the end of apartheid in 1994, general elections were held in South Africa on 8 May 2019. South Africa is one of the most unequal countries on earth, and much of the disparity still falls along racial lines. The country also struggles with corruption, high unemployment, rising crime rates, and […]

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June 7, 2019, FUF pods

Journalism and democracy with Martin Schibbye

The number of countries where journalists can work in security is decreasing. In the last decade, more than a thousand journalists have been murdered, and Reporters Without Borders 'Press Freedom Index 2019 shows that political leaders' increased hostility towards the media has led to fear and self-censorship. At the same time, Ethiopia has released all its imprisoned journalists and climbs as many as 40 places compared to last year's […]

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May 16, 2019, FUF pods

How can the world achieve Zero Hunger?

Photo: Kate Holt / AusAID (CC BY 2.0 License)

Of: FUF Lund

In 2015 the international community represented by the 193 Member States of the UN adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development in order to improve our lives by 2030. Goal 2 - Zero Hunger - pledges to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. This goal is the priority of […]

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May 15, 2019, English, FUF pods, Magazine


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