Sweden should take responsibility for the veto issue in the UN Security Council

Of: Magnus lundström and Vendela Runold

The idea of ​​the right of veto in the UN Security Council was to protect the sovereignty of the great powers, but today the veto is often used instead of self-interest and political play. Sweden must work for a change of attitude in the veto issue, write Vendela Runold and Magnus Lundström from the Stop Illegitimate Vetoes campaign.

October 23, 2017, Debate

Sweden's military efforts and civilian aid must be linked

Of: Mikael Eriksson

The fight against militant groups such as Daesh in Iraq is closely intertwined with the conditions of the individual citizens of the country. Despite this, coordination between Sweden's military and civilian support is poor. We must increase the dialogue and stop thinking about the downside in Swedish public administration, writes researcher Mikael Eriksson.

October 19, 2017, Debate

Invest in an active culture of peace, in Sweden and in the world

Of: Lotta Sjöström Becker

In next year's budget, Sweden will increase its resources for peacebuilding, but the annual investments are still less than the cost of the war exercise Aurora. Although the government's new strategy for sustainable peace is about preventing and preventing a recurrence of armed conflict, national security policy is based on other ideas. Sweden has everything to gain from trying to build an active culture of peace - it is modern security policy, writes Lotta Sjöström Becker, Secretary General of the Christian Peace Movement.

October 10, 2017, Debate

Sweden must stand up to increased threats of nuclear weapons

Of: Malin Nilsson

On Sunday, we woke up to the news that North Korea had tested another hydrogen bomb, ten times more powerful than the bombs dropped by the United States on Japan in 1945. The rising tensions call for counter-strategies. A first step is for Sweden to sign the UN agreement on a ban on nuclear weapons, writes Malin Nilsson at the International Women's Union for Peace and Freedom.

September 7, 2017, Debate

We demand specific initiatives for teenage girls in crisis and conflict

Of: Agnes Björn, Diana Trimino, Marianne Eriksson and Melanie Ward

Teenage girls are an extra vulnerable group in conflicts and natural disasters. They risk getting married and being abused or trafficked. Yet they are often forgotten in humanitarian aid. The International Rescue Committee and Plan International Sweden therefore call on the Swedish government to make specific initiatives for teenage girls in crisis and conflict.

July 6, 2017, Debate

Sweden must increase support for mine management

Of: Alexander Gabelic and Megan Burke

More than 6 people were injured or killed by mines in 000. This is an increase of 2015 percent compared with the previous year. The alarming figures should make the world countries gather forces to get rid of the mining problem, but instead Sweden has halved its support since 75. The negative trend of recent years must reverse, writes Megan Burke, International Campaign against Landmines (ICBL), and Aleksander Gabelic, Swedish UN Federation.

April 4, 2017, Debate

New regulations must mean an absolute ban on arms exports to dictatorships

Of: Gabriella Irsten

At the same time as the new regulations on arms exports have been delayed for several years, Sweden increased its exports of munitions by 45 percent in 2016. Swedish arms exports are not compatible with a feminist foreign policy and a majority of parliamentary parties say they want to stop arms exports to dictatorships. Now it's time to move on from words to action, writes Gabriella Irsten, International Women's Association for Peace and Freedom (IKFF).

March 13, 2017, Debate

Necessary to ban arms exports to dictatorships

Of: Linda Åkerström

Sweden exports weapons to countries that oppress women and LGBTQ people; countries that seriously violate human rights. Why do we trust these governments enough to supply them with munitions? It is time to put an end to arms exports that undermine the pursuit of freedom and democracy, writes Linda Åkerström from the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Association.

January 9, 2017, Debate