FUF's correspondents live around the world and write texts about global issues for Uttvecklingsmagasinet and produce articles for Instagram. They contribute to that our readers and followers get an insight into everyday life from all over the worldn, and a nuanced Swedish foreign reporting through greater geographical distribution.
The FUF correspondents are abroad or have just returned from a stay abroad. As a FUF correspondent, you can do interviews, write different types of journalistic texts and take photographs. The correspondents receive continuous training and supervision - both in topics connected to global development and in journalistic writing and communication. They are also part of an editorial staff who encourage, support and get to know each other! The assignment also includes participating in editorial meetings and proofreading other correspondents' texts.
You don't need any prior knowledge to become a FUF correspondent, we train you during the assignment!
Do you have questions? Email fuf@fuf.se