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FUF award

FUF awards an annual award for particularly good efforts that promote sustainable global development. The prize can be awarded to individuals or organizations in Sweden. The purpose may be to give recognition to an outstanding activity over time or to highlight and promote newer commendable efforts. It is thus possible to award two prizes in the same year.

Candidates for the prize must be judged to have made particularly notable efforts to promote economically, socially, ecologically and politically sustainable development through:

  • initiatives that have helped people living in vulnerability in low- and middle-income countries to improve their living conditions;
  • initiatives that have contributed to Swedish actors taking greater political, economic, social and / or environmental responsibility in their international activities;
  • research that has provided new important knowledge on global sustainability and development issues and / or facilitated or contributed to important reforms and improvements in the global work for a sustainable, democratic and just world;
  • political or communicative efforts that strengthen interest in, and knowledge of, global challenges;
  • new ideas that have contributed to innovations that promote economic, social and / or environmentally sustainable development.

The FUF award consists of the honor and the opportunity to, together with FUF in an appropriate way, highlight and highlight the contribution made by the winner. The prize winner also receives a diploma and a permanent membership in FUF.

Do you know someone who you think should get a FUF award? If you are a member of FUF or FUF supporter, you can send us a nomination. Do this:

Write a nomination on a maximum of 1 A4 page that contains the following:

1. Name and contact details of the person or organization you are nominating.
2. Justification for why you are nominating the person or organization.
3. Description of which of the italicized FUF award criteria that the nomination links to and in what way.
4. Names and contact details of the nominee.

Send the nomination via e-mail to

Former laureates

The FUF Prize has been awarded since 1986:



Josephine Sundqvist is awarded the FUF Prize 2024 because she, through her efforts in both academia, civil society and the world of government, has contributed to improving the living conditions of people living in poverty and oppression. Her ability to convey important knowledge about global issues, and her innovative ideas, have inspired Swedish actors to take responsibility in their international engagements. Josephine is a role model, not least for young people who want to make a difference in the world.


Thomas Hammarberg is awarded the FUF prize in 2023 because he has initiated, driven and led efforts in defense of human rights and against racism and discrimination with great commitment and skill. Through his strong commitment to children's rights issues, he was, among other things, a pusher for the creation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In a time when freedoms and rights are exposed to new threats, Thomas is Hammerberg - through his deed and the ideals he stands for - a role model and a reminder of the importance of continuous work for a more inclusive and just world.


Johan rockström is awarded the FUF prize in 2022 for his diligent work with the question of the fate of our time. As a researcher, public educator and debater, he has had a prominent role, both in Sweden and internationally, to increase knowledge and commitment to avert the global threats to the environment and climate.


No FUF award winner


Mats Karlsson. Because he has been an active and driving voice in development issues throughout his career. His commitment to the development of the Baltic states after independence from the Soviet Union has led to important research efforts. Mats has also pursued key issues of partnership in development cooperation, both in his role as State Secretary and as an adviser to Kofi Annan.


Helena Samsioe. Through creativity, passion and social entrepreneurship, Helena has Samsio contributed to life-saving innovations. Where others have seen the drone technology as a solution in the long run, she has instead chosen to use the means available today and act. Helena has also clearly shown that young people possess both entrepreneurship and leadership and can make a big difference in the world. With her initiative, she has revolutionized and streamlined humanitarian efforts, and has provided a new guideline for further humanitarian research.


Anna-Karin Gauding for her tireless work for democracy, development and respect for human rights in Latin America, and for her drive in creating cooperation and exchange of knowledge between people in Sweden and Latin America.


Hannah Tsadik through her strategic leadership, she has developed an innovative and successful regional peace program in the Horn of Africa. As a representative of the Life & Peace Institute, she has in various roles on site in Addis Ababa between 2008 and 2017 participated in, and led a number of analysis and research efforts, as well as initiated innovative paths to peace and development in a severely conflict-affected region. Under her leadership, a co-operation agreement was also negotiated with the African Union. In a winning way, Hannah Tsadik has created functional meeting places and contributed to collaboration across borders, both between civil society and political structures, researchers and practitioners, as well as across national borders.

Gun-Britt Andersson because throughout her active life she has worked on development issues as a very committed official, as a politician and as a private person. In her work at the National Agency for Development Research (SAREC), Sida and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, she has made significant contributions to the development of Sweden's development policy and development assistance. As a member of the Expert Group for Development Aid Analysis, she works to spread knowledge about development issues. She has also been active outside her official role, in recent years she has made a pioneering effort as chair of the Joha Trust, which is a support association for girls' education in Tanzania.


Margareta Wahlström because through her professional life she has committed and successfully contributed to strengthening the international community's work for risk reduction and disaster preparedness, and because she continues to contribute in various ways to peace, security and development in conflict environments, including as a member of Sweden's mediation network for women .


Stefan de Vylder who through his involvement in development issues, as an activist, researcher, aid worker and not least as an educator, has contributed to increased interest and knowledge about development issues in the broadest sense of the word. His long commitment to Latin America in general and Chile in particular has spanned the entire field from activism in the Chile Committee to evaluations of aid efforts, lectures and articles for the wider public. Based on his broad experience and a continuous research work, Stefan de Vylder has written a number of books, several of which have become standard works for every person interested in development issues and as textbooks at universities. He is well known in wide circles, from qualified economists to novices in the field, for his outstanding ability to explain the economic contexts that are often perceived as difficult to understand. He has reached a respected position as an independent academic and activist. During his time as chairman of FUF, he opened the door for young students and gave them space to develop an organization for new age issues and working methods.


Christer Wälivaara, Johan Lindholm, Per-Olof Sjöö. Based on the ILO's program for decent working conditions (Decent Work), the international Construction and Woodworkers 'Union, BWI, together with its Swedish members in the trade union network 6F (Building, Electricians, Real Estate, Painters and Seko) have paid special attention to migrant workers' working conditions. Through campaigns such as "Red card for FIFA", they have been able to reach completely new target groups. They have shown the social responsibility of sport, what life and working conditions look like for the hundreds of thousands of construction workers who build arenas for major sporting events, and the high price workers have to pay. The three laureates have been instrumental in developing this global trade union collaboration, which has contributed to human rights, global development issues and decent working conditions being regularly discussed on the newspapers' sports pages and reaching a broad sports-interested public. The campaigns have contributed to thousands of construction workers around the world getting better working conditions through collective agreements, and to the world's most powerful institutions, such as the International Olympic Committee and FIFA, being forced to see their responsibility for human rights before, during and after major sporting events.


Kajsa Johansson because through her persistent work, based on a strong and well-founded commitment, she has influenced and improved efforts for development in Mozambique and Afghanistan, among other places. Through her blog In- and developments, Kajsa Johansson also contributes to enriching the Swedish development aid debate by challenging and questioning Swedish development aid policy and raising concrete challenges for discussion.


Peter Wallensteen for his long work for peace and conflict resolution, as a pioneer in research and education in Sweden but also as a mediator in many difficult conflicts. Peter Wallensteen continues to develop creative solutions within the UN's peace-promoting activities, among other things through his work with so-called smart sanctions and by including the gender perspective in the handling of difficult conflicts.


Women to women for their work for women's security and rights in conflict and post-conflict areas. Based on a deep understanding of what security means and the realization that women's safety is a key to development, Kvinna till Kvinna works tirelessly for improved living conditions for poor people.


Gunnel Axelsson Nycander works at the Church of Sweden's international department and was awarded the FUF prize because in her work she has highlighted new perspectives on poverty in developing countries. This work has been made visible to the general public through the anthology "Money in hand - social security systems as a method of combating poverty and hunger", published by the Church of Sweden and the Nordic Africa Institute. Here are methods for combating poverty that have been crucial for the growth of welfare in Sweden but which have so far been seriously neglected in the search for solutions to the great challenges facing the world's poor countries. Gunnel Axelsson Nycander's work thus becomes a central contribution to the discussion about the design not only of the Swedish but also of the global agenda for development cooperation.


Marika Griehsel through its nuanced and urgent reports from several war-torn areas, it has created commitment and awareness of women's vulnerability, but also struggle, in conflict situations. Marika Griehsel not only focuses on the destructive consequences of conflicts, but draws attention to women's capacity, drive and influence in peacebuilding and makes us look with confidence at the state of the world.


Fredrik Gertten and Margrete Jangård,
for the documentary Bananas! * They with small means made a great effort in highlighting a violation of rights that would otherwise have been withheld.


Anders Jonsson and Eileen Ingulfson,
Kungsholmens gymnasium / Stockholms musikgymnasium, for their pioneering work in starting and leading an exchange between Kungsholmens gymnasium and three schools in Zambia.


David Henley, pediatric neurologist and chief habilitation doctor at Uppsala University Hospital, and Henrik Pelling, child psychiatrist and chief physician at the Department of Child Psychiatry, Uppsala University Hospital, for their many years of commitment and efforts to give Palestinian children with special needs and various forms of disability a better life and belief in the future.


Göte Hansson for his many years of commitment to development issues, his work to increase interest in Sweden in these issues and above all for his long and successful work to collaborate and support economic research in Tanzania.


Karl-Axel Elmquist for his tireless work for human rights, development and peace and not least for his ability to reconcile these different perspectives.


Margaret Axel for its efforts to support the building of strong, independent and democratic trade unions to give power and voice to teachers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


Tor Sellström for his expert and comprehensive description of Sweden's support for the historic liberation process that the countries of southern Africa underwent during later issues of the 1900th century.


Eva Zillén because in the war-torn Balkans, she has contributed to the democratic building of a broad and diverse female NGO for peace and reconciliation.


Uno Winblade for efforts to develop simple adapted technology around everyday objects and phenomena in developing countries.


Ulla Andrén because in Guinea-Bissau's civil war it helped to mitigate the consequences of the conflict and to end it.


Sven Hamrell to pursue issues of Africa, development, the struggle against apartheid and racism with consistency and perseverance.


Magnus Bergmar for his work against child labor.


The African groups for solidarity and opinion formation work in and around southern Africa.


Christina Larsson for her engaging work as a nurse under the auspices of the African Groups in Mozambique.


VI forest for their tree planting projects in Kenya and Uganda.


Harriet Birkhahn for work with women and children in the third world.


Gedion Shone for work with soil conservation and rural development in Ethiopia and Lesotho.


Folke Albinsson for long-term work with folk and adult education in the third world.


Bengt Säve-Söderbergh for initiating and implementing the Nordic UN project.


Magnus Lindell for Sackeus' alternative trade / import of developing country goods.


Harry North for the construction and operation of a spare parts workshop in Mozambique.


Anders Fänge for the Afghanistan Committee's humanitarian activities in war-torn Afghanistan.


Bengt Kjeller for the construction of UNAG in Nicaragua.


Through their supportership the organizations below contribute
to independent debate and public education on sustainable global development