"Women‘s March" i Almaty, Kazakstan år 2022. Med över 1000 aktivister samlade, är det den största demonstrationen för kvinnors rättigheter i Kazakstan hitintills. Bild: Vladimir Tretyakov/Shutterstock
Of: Meja Roberg
While feminism is a natural part of social debate in Sweden, the word is met with incomprehension and skepticism in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, gender equality is seen as something already achieved, although traditional values still hold women back. Despite the challenges, a slow change is sprouting, led by women who refuse to accept the status quo.
February 9, 2025, FUF-correspondents, Reportage
An anti-femicide demonstration in South Africa's capital Cape Town in 2019 following the violent murder of 19-year-old student Uyinene Mrwetyana. Image: Discott/Wikimedia Commons
Of: Elianne Kjellman
After Ugandan marathon runner and Olympic participant Rebecca Cheptegei was murdered by her boyfriend in September, the debate about femicide has come into focus. FUF explains what the concept of femicide means, its global spread, and how women's rights organizations fight it.
November 25, 2024, Development magazine explains
Women at a stall selling veils near Tripoli. Archive image. Photo: David Stanley/Flickr
Of: Agnes Fältman
Libya's Minister of the Interior doesn't that, among other things, compulsory veiling for girls from the age of nine and a ban on "inappropriate" hairstyles and clothing should be introduced. the new rules and the country's "social values" afteris followed. Amnesty International criticizes the decision and believes that it worsens discrimination against women and girls.
November 13, 2024, News
Inobatkhon Sultanova started getting involved as an activist in 2017 and is today the organizational manager at the Kyrgyz youth organization Noviy Ritm. Photo: Johanna Berzell/Uttvecklingsmagasinet.
Of: Johanna Berzell
— We are trying to create change, to make our country and our lives better, says Inobatkhon Sultanova. For a decade, the youth organization has Noviy Rhythm worked for equality and human rights in southern Kyrgyzstan. This despite opposition from the authorities and the local population.
November 7, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Interview
Photographs from “Protracted silence” by Zhaniya Fazylova. The series is about the horror that women are forced to go through alone, ashamed to share their experiences of violence with society. Photos: Zhaniya Fazylova
Of: Meja Roberg
After a high-profile murder, intimate partner violence is once again punishable in Kazakhstan. While government repression is hitting women's rights activists hard, civil society is strengthening its voice through initiatives like NeMolchiKZ and art exhibitions that promote community dialogue.
October 28, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Reportage
Women's negative special position on the labor market is often connected to the fact that they have children and are on parental leave. This is, for example, the case in Austria and the cultural neighbors Germany and Switzerland. "There is an unspoken expectation for women to do the unpaid work in the home," says Austrian social anthropologist and preschool teacher Hannah Büchel to Utvecklingsmagasinet. Photo: Agnes Fältman.
Of: Agnes Fältman
quo and want to see a change.
June 24, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Reportage
Global work on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is progressing, but there are still major differences in the global North and global South, according to a new UN report. Photo: MarijoAH12. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Fleur Riller Loins
At the same time, there is a big difference in sexual and reproductive rights in the global north and global south. It shows one new report by the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA.
April 25, 2024, News
The elections to the European Parliament will be held on June 6-9, 2024. Mobilization of progressive votes, Russian disinformation and the risk of espionage within the EU are some of the topics discussed by debaters during the past week. Pictured: The flag of the European Union in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Photo: European Parliament. Source: Flickr.
Of: Benjamin Frisk
The elections to the European Parliament in June are approaching. Due to that, several debaters write about the mobilization of progressive voices in Europe, inequality in the Union and the existence of corruption and disinformation.
April 8, 2024, Current debate
Despite the fact that women bear the heaviest responsibility for food supply globally, they themselves are the most affected by hunger and malnutrition. In order to end hunger in the world, the systematic discrimination against women must also end. This is written by representatives from the organization The Hunger Project. Photo: CIFOR. Source: Flickr.
Of: Elodie Iko, Grace Mgabadere Chikow and Malin Flemström
Gender discrimination continues to be a contributing factor to hunger and malnutrition in the world. Everyone must work for more equal societies to end hunger, and men in particular must realize that their commitment is essential to achieving equality. It writes Elodie Iko, Grace Mga bathers Chikowi and Malin Flemström from The Hunger Project.
March 8, 2024, Debate
Almost 90 percent of street vendors in Zimbabwe are completely dependent on street vending as their source of income. Many of them are women who risk violence and harassment when they work. Beauty (left) always buys ginger from a female street vendor (right) who does not want to give her name. Photo: Matilda Katsler.
Of: Matilda Katsler
In central Harare, street vending is an important part of , especially for women who account for a large part of the informal workforce in the country. The women have to fight hard to take a place in the public space - en place that often has a high price in the form of violence and sexual harassment.
March 4, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Reportage