Actionable action is required to counter the illegal international arms flow

In order to regain security on our streets in Sweden, and a more peaceful world globally, it is more urgent than ever to both prevent and stop the illegal flow of weapons. This is written by Olle Thorell (S) and Magdalena Thuresson (M), members of parliament for the foreign affairs committee, as well as Karin Olofsson, secretary general of the Parliamentary Forum for light weapons issues. Photo: St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Karin Olofsson, Magdalena Thuresson and Olle Thorell
The violence resulting from illegal weapons have devastating consequences worldwider – human, social and economic. For sustainable development and peace force is required to stop the illegal flow of weapons. Wednesday, December 14 special attention is paid to the issue in riksdagen when parliamentarians, civil society, experts and other representatives gather for the Parliamentarian Forum for Light Weapons-of questions (The Forum's) 20th anniversary seminar.
December 14, 2022, Debate