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The Association for Development Issues (FUF) fills in years 50 years. We can thus look back on half a century of commitment, debate, retrospectives and future explorations around small and large world and development issues. Behind us we have enormous progress, and in front of us invisible challenges. 

FUF has always gathered people who had a great interest in what is happening and will happen in the near and far. We is an organization that is largely based on the future and young people. Their interests is therefore important to us. What could therefore be a better task now that the FUF is reaching even years CHANGE to turn to the youth of today and ask them to give their view on where we stand and where we are is on the way?  

After 50 years we feel we are far from finished with our task of informing about and engaging on all important global issues. The need for commitment is still big if we are to be able to handle today's big matters of fate and for this we need new, fresh ideas. We hope you share our view that this anthology contributes to this task. 

Lennart Wohlgemuth, board member FUF

Read the anthology here.



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to independent debate and public education on sustainable global development