Confidence in religious leaders is in many contexts significantly higher than in politicians and decision-makers, the debaters write.
Of: Amanda Björksell, Jakob Schwarz and Veronica Pålsson
Religious actors are of great importance to people around the world - and therefore also in the work with the global goals. To work for peace between people, to serve one's neighbor and to safeguard creation is a foundation in world religions. As active in the Church of Sweden's Youth and the Church of Sweden, we see no contradiction in a development cooperation that is both faith- and rights-based.
November 19, 2019, Debate
Reducing aid and grants to youth organizations is dangerous for both peace and democracy, writes Emelie Weski. Photo: Thomas Ulrich, Pixabay
Of: Emelie Weski
The organization of young people is one of the most effective preventive measures against armed conflict. This is confirmed by an independent report from the UN Population Fund. To stop financing young people's organization is to counteract sustainable peace. The Social Democrats, the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats get homework, writes Emelie Weski from LSU.
November 18, 2019, Debate
Extreme weather such as storms and floods not only cause havoc, but are also a breeding ground for conflicts, the debaters write. The photo was taken after a tornado in Oklahoma, USA.
Of: Aleese Rydlund, Katarina Folkeson and Christopher Åberg
Climate change is one of our absolute greatest threats to peace and security. When more people are to agree on fewer resources, a breeding ground for conflicts is created. Now we must do everything we can to stop the climate crisis - and at the same time prepare for rescue work and refugee reception, write Green students.
November 15, 2019, Debate
The Swedish Armed Forces has ordered 60 new Jasplanes. The cost for them corresponds to 3000 wind turbines, the debaters write.
Of: Kerstin Varenius, Sophie Berglund and Tilda Wendefors
The climate is in crisis and the future of humanity is threatened. But instead of investing resources in preventing a climate catastrophe, Sweden is investing billions in preparing for war. We must stop buying expensive Jasplan and spend the money on high-speed trains and solar power parks, write representatives of Svenska Freds in Stockholm.
November 12, 2019, Debate
The US military consumes as much fossil fuel as 140 countries combined. Disarmament is important for both human and ecological safety, writes the debater Ida Arneson.
Of: Ida Arneson
War and military violence always involve human suffering and ecological damage. Investing in military rearmament is therefore the wrong way to go. Our time requires instead a courageous and radical security policy, and above all a disarmament policy - for people's right to life in peace, for equality and for the climate.
October 31, 2019, Debate
In Tunisia, the unions played a crucial role in reducing tensions after the Arab Spring, writes debater Ruben Wågman. Photo: Gilbert Scossar and private
Of: Ruben Wågman
Through the work for decent wages, social security, and the pursuit of dialogue, democratic unions have a unique ability to work for peace and prevent conflict. It shows examples from Sudan, Tunisia, South Korea and Brazil, among others. More voices and actors, both in Sweden and in the world, need to stand up for people's right to organize and work in a union.
October 29, 2019, Debate
To protect the Kurds in Syria, Green Youth wants a UN troop to enter the area, under Swedish leadership. Photo: Taylor Mohr
Of: Filippa Dyrefors
The debate over Turkey's offensive in Syria has continued to be intense this week. A number of opinion leaders have commented on the responsibilities of both the UN and the EU, and that Sweden should take a clear position to protect the Kurds. But there are also voices who think that the image of the conflict is misleading.
October 16, 2019, Current debate
Unmanned vehicles, so-called drones, could be used to prevent conflicts, says the debater Zebulon Carlander.
Of: Zebulon Carlander
Modern technology is often seen as a necessity in war. But new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and drones, could just as easily be an important tool for creating lasting peace. The debater Zebulon Carlander thinks that we should think more creatively about new technology.
October 15, 2019, Debate
When young people organize for peace, they are often seen as troublemakers, writes LSU's Emelie Weski. In the United States, for example, young people protesting against gun violence have been described as "radicals with a history of threats."
Of: Emelie Weski
Young people have a key role to play in promoting sustainable peace. It establishes UN resolutions. Sweden must now prioritize young people's participation in peace work. Otherwise, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Russia and China will use the youth platform to influence the international security situation, writes Emelie Weski from LSU - Sweden's youth organizations.
October 10, 2019, Debate
Small and light weapons - such as pistols and rifles - kill half a million people every year. They are therefore called today's real weapons of mass destruction.
Of: Body Valero, Charlotta Lotta Hedström, Charlotte Lotta Ohlsson, Christer Winbäck, Desired Pethrus, Eva Zetterberg, Håkan Svenneling, Hanna Gunnarsson, Karin Enström, Lotta Johnson Fornarve and Yasmine Posio Nilsson
Every day, an average of 575 people in the world are killed by weapons such as rifles and pistols. The Government's priorities in these matters are clear. Reducing the illegal flow of small arms and light weapons is an important goal of peace work. Now Sida must also listen to it, write 11 current and former members of parliament from different parties.
October 1, 2019, Debate