This is FUF
The association for development issues (FUF) is with its neutrality and independence a unique platform in Sweden which brings together actors from academia and politics as well as authorities, civil society and business who want to learn more about, and discuss, global development issues. For over 50 years, we have worked to create meeting places for knowledge exchanges and collaborations. We monitor, make available, broaden and nuance the discussions on global issues. Our work contributes to increased transparency and dialogue about Sweden's role in the world, the aid policy and the methods that contribute to fair and sustainable development.
Our belief is that with increased knowledge, new tools and broad networks, more people will act for a fair and sustainable world.
How we work
With our work, we want to counteract prejudices, show the world in all its complexity and highlight the solutions that lead us towards a fairer and more sustainable world. Therefore, FUF does the following:
- Spreading knowledge: through seminars, The development magazine and informative social media posts we want to broaden the view of the world and the solutions to the big challenges.
- Creates commitment: We create meeting places where people of all ages can get involved and exchange experiences for fair and sustainable development. We train young people in journalistic method, Social Media and fair communication about global issues so that they get the tools to get involved for a better world. IN the book club and the thematic group, members of all ages meet to discuss books on global development and plan seminars.
- Building networks: With our non-profit groups and events, we create contact surfaces for professionals, students and retirees. FUF also reduces the distance between education and working life by connecting workplaces and professionals with driven students who are passionate about global development.
Members get unique access
our Newsletter, ours seminars, The development magazine, the Youtube channel fool play where we collect previous seminars and the Development Archive, which collects reports on global development, are examples of knowledge banks and forums that everyone can access. If you want to support our work in making available knowledge that changes the world, you can become member in FUF.
As a member you also get the chance to participate in social functions and other exclusive events as well as take part in our training courses and apply for an internship with FUF's partners. Your company or organization can also support us by becoming FUF supporter, which i.a. gives you exposure in our channels.
Why are we needed?
We live in a complex time and world characterized by conflicts and humanitarian crises, reduced democratic space and increasingly clear consequences of climate change. The clock is ticking – in just a few years, Agenda 2030 and the global goals for sustainable development will be achieved.
The desire for aid in Sweden is increasing and more than every second Swede wants to know more about how Sweden works with aid and development. Among young people aged 18 to 29, an even larger proportion want to learn more about aid and development (62 percent). This shows Sida's latest attitude survey on development and aid from 2023.
At the same time, Ungdomsbarometern's latest reports generationsinvestigation report that young people in a troubled world downgrade long-term social issues. More than half of the respondents have a reduced faith in democracy and interest in social politics has decreased - even though young people today are well aware of the major global challenges we face.
Disinformation and fake news are becoming increasingly widespread and the dissemination methods more advanced. Even in the traditional media landscape, it is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate the flow of information and to distinguish what is credible information from what rather reinforces stereotypes and conveys simplified images of the world.
All this is also taking place at a time when Swedish development and humanitarian cooperation is undergoing major changes. In a time of great challenges and changes, there are fewer voices scrutinizing aid after the government support for independent communication about Sweden's global work has been withdrawn.
By offering reliable information, strengthening the ability to think critically and creating meetings for knowledge exchange, FUF wants to inspire more people to get involved and contribute to a fair and sustainable world. As a member or FUF supporter, you help make this possible.