Al-Shabaab attacks teachers for stopping education

Several schools in northeastern Kenya have been forced to close following attacks by the al-Shabaab terrorist group.

Of: Yolanda Tibblin

Thousands of teachers in northeastern Kenya were forced to leave their jobs following attacks by the al-Shabaab terrorist group. This threatens students' education. According to terrorism expert Magnus Norell, al-Shabaab opposes non-Islamic teachings.

June 24, 2020, News

The bureaucracy contains some of the most important ingredients of development cooperation


Knowledge exchange is often more important than the money that is conveyed within development cooperation, writes Inge Gerremo. Photo: Kyle Gese

Of: Inge Gerremo

Expert knowledge and knowledge exchanges are fundamental for a functioning development collaboration. Prioritizing it to reduce aid bureaucracy is both stupid and short-sighted. Then it will be difficult to navigate in our complex world, says Inge Gerremo who has 50 years of experience working with Swedish development assistance.

June 23, 2020, Debate

The corona virus has silenced Mexico City

Mexico City

The Croronavirus has made the vibrant giant city of Mexico City almost doomed. Photo: Bhargava Marripati / Pexels

Of: Annika Engwall

In Mexico City, "Quedate en casa" (stay at home) echoes from the speakers of the police cars circulating the city streets. Concrete facades are wallpapered with red posters with the words "Salva vidas" (save lives) in white. The city I got to know at the end of October - characterized by its kilometer-long traffic jams, nightly tacos al pastor and salsa groups in various squares […]

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June 22, 2020, FUF-correspondents

The Amazon must not be destroyed in the shadow of the pandemic

Out with Bolsonaro, it says on Kretã Kaingang's mouthguard. Kretã Kaingang is coordinator at Brazil's Indigenous Association APIB. Photo: Matheus Alves

Of: Alex Brekke

The corona pandemic means that attention to the Amazon has decreased. Then Brazil's government takes the opportunity to change laws to reduce protection for the rainforest. Now it is especially important that we demand that the forest and the rights of indigenous peoples be protected, writes Alex Brekke on Amazon Watch Sweden.

June 17, 2020, Debate

Binding rules for businesses could have helped the people of Uganda

Why does the government not want to ensure that entrepreneurship goes right to and respects human rights? wonders Mona Monasar. Photo: Tomas Melin

Of: Mona Monasar

Swedish climate compensation led to violence and food shortages among the local population in Uganda. It is a scandal that it can happen without anyone being held accountable. Now the Swedish government must demand that companies respect human rights - even abroad, writes Mona Monasar at the organization FIAN.

June 15, 2020, Debate

Aid bureaucracy - so much more than "administration"

Administration and Daniel Tarschys

Administration and administration are often devalued in Swedish development assistance, writes political scientist Daniel Tarschys. Photo: Piqsels and (CC BY-SA)

Of: Daniel Tarschy's

Cutting back on aid administration has long been seen as a virtue. On the contrary, more expertise and analysis can be crucial for effective aid. It shows a new study by political scientist Daniel Tarschys for the Expert Group for Development Aid Analysis.

June 9, 2020, Guest chronicle

Covid-19 creates an acute crisis for democracy

Hand with the text "Stop covid-19"

Authoritarian leaders use the corona crisis as an excuse to, among other things, restrict freedom of expression, writes Anders L Pettersson.

Of: Anders L Pettersson

Repressive regimes around the world see covid-19 as a free card for persecuting and imprisoning human rights defenders. At the same time, the outside world is distracted by the pandemic. Now we must defend democracy by supporting civil society and human rights defenders - not least in authoritarian states, writes Anders L Pettersson on Civil Rights Defenders.

June 8, 2020, Guest chronicle

Let's take control of the food

Large-scale and small-scale agriculture

Today's large - scale food production is bad for both people and the environment, writes Lisa Tover.

Of: Lisa Tover

The global food industry creates everything from hunger and devastation of rainforest to obesity and large emissions of greenhouse gases. Profit interests rule and a few giant companies completely dominate. Now we have to take back control of the food and shorten the path from farm to fork, writes Lisa Tover from the association Framtidsjorden.

June 4, 2020, Debate

Sweden's international solidarity is being tested again

Four debaters from the Feminist Initiative think that Sweden's policy for international cooperation is a measure of where the dividing lines go between the parties. Photo: Pexels and Håkan Dahlström

Of: Jaime Gomez, Mats Ekenger, Olle Vennergrund and Saga Tullgren

Sweden's policy for international cooperation is in turmoil. On the one hand, the goal of a percentage of the country's GNI going to development aid is being questioned, and on the other hand, the development assistance budget is being eroded through redistributions - right now to efforts against the corona pandemic. Feminist initiatives are strongly critical of this.

June 2, 2020, Debate

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