The deforestation of the Amazon breaks a new record

The Amazon rainforest is important for animals, plants and people - yet the deforestation of the rainforest continues at an ever faster pace. Photo: David Riano Cortés. Source: Pexels.

Of: Cecilia Bergh

The Amazon is the largest and most species-rich rainforest in the world. It is vital for animal and plant species, but also for humans. Despite that, the deforestation of the Amazon continues and in February the devastation hit a new record.

March 22, 2023, Development magazine explains

This is how we Swedes can protect the Amazon and support its environmental fighters

Last year, the devastation of the Amazon in Brazil increased by 22 percent compared to 2020. This is the highest annual deforestation in 15 years. Photo: quapan. Source: flickr.

Of: Ebba Eriksson

The destruction of the Amazon, the lungs of the earth, threatens biodiversity as well as the rights and lives of indigenous peoples. Alarming reports of deforestation of an area as large as France and images of burning primeval forest arouse strong feelings in many and a desire to be able to help - and we in Sweden can be involved and influence.

March 1, 2022, Chronicle

Swedish fund money is invested in polluting oil giants

An oil spill has caused damage to animals and nature in the Ecuadorian rainforest where Mireya Gualinga and her people Kichwa live. Photo: Mike Gualinga.

Of: Elise Olsson

Several Swedish AP funds and several large Swedish banks invest in companies that engage in deforestation and violate human rights in various places in the world - something that affects, among other things, the Amazon rainforest and indigenous peoples. "These companies are killing our earth. They are plundering the last help the earth can offer – and that is the forest," says Mireya Gualinga, climate and indigenous activist from the Ecuadorian Amazon.

January 25, 2022, Interview

The Amazon must not be destroyed in the shadow of the pandemic

Out with Bolsonaro, it says on Kretã Kaingang's mouthguard. Kretã Kaingang is coordinator at Brazil's Indigenous Association APIB. Photo: Matheus Alves

Of: Alex Brekke

The corona pandemic means that attention to the Amazon has decreased. Then Brazil's government takes the opportunity to change laws to reduce protection for the rainforest. Now it is especially important that we demand that the forest and the rights of indigenous peoples be protected, writes Alex Brekke on Amazon Watch Sweden.

June 17, 2020, Debate

Swedish aid in the hot air after reports of corruption

Criticism of Swedish development assistance has been harsh on the opinion pages in the past week. But several have also gone on the defensive.

Of: Erica Fahlström

Revelations about corruption and proposals from the Moderates about a reduced aid budget. This has caused the debate about Swedish aid to be heated in the past week. Criticism about a lack of control is met with arguments that the aid is needed - precisely to fight corruption. "It is simply not the case that countries with lower aid budgets have better aid," writes Anna Tibblin from We Effect in Svenska Dagbladet.

September 11, 2019, Current debate

Stop the devastation of the Amazon - support the indigenous peoples

The Amazon is vital to the well being of the earth. Alex Brekke suggests we call it the heart of the earth. Photo: Niel Palmer/CIAT

Of: Alex Brekke

The fires in the Amazon have caused great concern around the world. The deforestation and burning down of the rainforest has a major impact on our climate - and we all bear the responsibility for it. Now we need to support all the indigenous people who are fighting to defend the Amazon. It is the best way to protect the rainforest, writes Alex Brekke from the organization Amazon Watch.

September 4, 2019, Debate