This week's debate has revolved around right and wrong in conflict and aid policy. Collage: Canva.
Of: The Chancellery
Today, one year has passed since the events in Israel the material moisture meter shows you the October 7, 2023 and in the past week has developments in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine been constantly present in the debate. A debate which revolved around ethics, morality and guilt.
October 7, 2024, Current debate
Of: Sanna Lindh
Since 2014, Sweden has tripled its measures to developing countries regarding climate technology, emission reductions and climate adaptation. Now the government announces that they will increase climate investments.
October 9, 2020, News
Knowledge exchange is often more important than the money that is conveyed within development cooperation, writes Inge Gerremo. Photo: Kyle Gese
Of: Inge Gerremo
Expert knowledge and knowledge exchanges are fundamental for a functioning development collaboration. Prioritizing it to reduce aid bureaucracy is both stupid and short-sighted. Then it will be difficult to navigate in our complex world, says Inge Gerremo who has 50 years of experience working with Swedish development assistance.
June 23, 2020, Debate
Administration and administration are often devalued in Swedish development assistance, writes political scientist Daniel Tarschys. Photo: Piqsels and (CC BY-SA)
Of: Daniel Tarschy's
Cutting back on aid administration has long been seen as a virtue. On the contrary, more expertise and analysis can be crucial for effective aid. It shows a new study by political scientist Daniel Tarschys for the Expert Group for Development Aid Analysis.
June 9, 2020, Guest chronicle
Four debaters from the Feminist Initiative think that Sweden's policy for international cooperation is a measure of where the dividing lines go between the parties. Photo: Pexels and Håkan Dahlström
Of: Jaime Gomez, Mats Ekenger, Olle Vennergrund and Saga Tullgren
Sweden's policy for international cooperation is in turmoil. On the one hand, the goal of a percentage of the country's GNI going to development aid is being questioned, and on the other hand, the development assistance budget is being eroded through redistributions - right now to efforts against the corona pandemic. Feminist initiatives are strongly critical of this.
June 2, 2020, Debate
In recent months, Sida and Swedish development assistance have received harsh criticism on Swedish opinion pages.
Of: Amanda Wibne Romild
The debate about corruption and poor control of Swedish development assistance continues in Swedish newspapers. Svenska dagbladet's guest writer demands an aid preparation and the Sweden Democrats demand clearer demands for aid recipients. At the same time, other debaters are expressing concern about increased opposition to sexual rights in many countries around the world.
November 14, 2019, Current debate
Sweden's and the EU's relationship with Turkish President Erdogan has been on the agenda this week. It also has the Swedish development assistance budget. Photo: Russia Presidential Office and Maria Eklind
Of: Rebecka Rönnegård
Turkey's offensive in northern Syria characterizes the Swedish debate this week as well. More people have been forced to flee, which has created humanitarian needs. The Swedish government and the EU have been criticized for not doing enough. In addition, the debate on the size of the development assistance budget continued.
October 23, 2019, Current debate
The EU has a unique role to play in contributing to lasting peace in Israel and Palestine, writes a number of former ministers.
Of: Ravneet Singh
How the EU pursues its policy in the Middle East can be crucial to the possibility of achieving peace between Israel and Palestine. It writes a long line of former foreign ministers and heads of government in a debate article. At the same time, attention is being paid to the EU's new rules on food imports.
April 17, 2019, Current debate
The spring budget presented by Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson created outrage in the development aid world.
Of: Mona Monasar
The government's decision to take SEK 700 million from the development assistance budget provoked outrage among many organizations this week. At the same time, the debate about the children of IS terrorists in Syria continued. Who is responsible for the children? asked several debaters.
April 12, 2019, Current debate
The EU aid budget may be increasingly financed by EU border controls, believes debater Bodil Valero. Photo: Bőr Benedek (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Body Valero
Tomorrow, the EU will vote to merge several different programs for financing foreign and development cooperation. This can shift the focus from poverty reduction to safeguarding the EU's own interests. EU aid money should not go to defense purposes or to stop refugees at the borders, writes environmentalist Bodil Valero.
March 26, 2019, Debate