The bureaucracy contains some of the most important ingredients of development cooperation


Knowledge exchange is often more important than the money that is conveyed within development cooperation, writes Inge Gerremo. Photo: Kyle Gese

Of: Inge Gerremo

Expert knowledge and knowledge exchanges are fundamental for a functioning development collaboration. Prioritizing it to reduce aid bureaucracy is both stupid and short-sighted. Then it will be difficult to navigate in our complex world, says Inge Gerremo who has 50 years of experience working with Swedish development assistance.

June 23, 2020, Debate

Hunger should be combated with more productive agriculture in Africa

Agriculture and Inge Gerremo

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa must be able to saturate a rapidly growing population, writes Inge Gerrremo.

Of: Inge Gerremo

The fact that hunger is brought up for discussion is very welcome. But with the huge population increase Africa is facing, African agriculture will need to increase its productivity. Something that in turn requires significant structural changes in the coming decades, writes Inge Gerremo who has worked for many years with global food supply.

March 13, 2020, Debate

Invest in agriculture in the African countries

Farmers in Kenya.

Investing in domestic agriculture is the only way to achieve welfare and development in Africa, says the debater. Photo: CIAT (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Of: Inge Gerremo

Many leaders in Africa have taken the easy way and imported cheap food from Europe and North America. To succeed in building a welfare state, it is necessary for African leaders - and the outside world - to invest in domestic agriculture, writes Inge Gerremo, expert on global food issues.

March 18, 2019, Debate

Strengthen the role of women in African agriculture!

Of: Inge Gerremo and Linley Chiwona-Karltun

Malawi's agriculture was recently described as a success story but is now facing problems again. How could it go so wrong? Could a female President of the African Union and a female President of Malawi make a difference in the fight against hunger and poverty and the need to achieve more equal living conditions? This is the question of Linley Chiwona-Karltun and Inge Gerremo, who are both active at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

February 4, 2013, Debate

Book Review - "A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change"

Of: Inge Gerremo

Bo Kjellén was for many years an environmental ambassador for Sweden and made important contributions in the international environmental negotiations, not least in connection with the Rio Conference in 1992. After retiring, he wrote the book A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development, about his experiences and views on it. international negotiation work. The book is now more relevant than ever to understand the multilateral negotiating game on environmental issues, says Inge Gerremo

December 26, 2012, Debate

Book review: "On the way to the president"

Of: Inge Gerremo

40 years ago, Africa was the continent of hope. Everywhere in the new states, a way out of colonial history was sought. Then the author and documentary filmmaker Stig Holmqvist also begins to travel and repeatedly live in Africa. He has now written a book about his experiences. Inge Gerremo has read Stig Holmqvist's book "On the way to the president", which is a piece of political history based on knowledge and presence.

October 23, 2012, Debate