Out with Bolsonaro, it says on Kretã Kaingang's mouthguard. Kretã Kaingang is coordinator at Brazil's Indigenous Association APIB. Photo: Matheus Alves
Of: Alex Brekke
The corona pandemic means that attention to the Amazon has decreased. Then Brazil's government takes the opportunity to change laws to reduce protection for the rainforest. Now it is especially important that we demand that the forest and the rights of indigenous peoples be protected, writes Alex Brekke on Amazon Watch Sweden.
June 17, 2020, Debate
The Amazon is vital to the well being of the earth. Alex Brekke suggests we call it the heart of the earth. Photo: Niel Palmer/CIAT
Of: Alex Brekke
The fires in the Amazon have caused great concern around the world. The deforestation and burning down of the rainforest has a major impact on our climate - and we all bear the responsibility for it. Now we need to support all the indigenous people who are fighting to defend the Amazon. It is the best way to protect the rainforest, writes Alex Brekke from the organization Amazon Watch.
September 4, 2019, Debate