Skuldkrisen efter pandemin

Foto: John McArthur, Unsplash

Av: Rine Mansouri

Coronapandemin har slagit hårt mot alla, men nu väntas en annan typ av kris slå mot låg- och medelinkomstländer, en skuldkris av enorma proportioner som följd av pandemins effekter och belastning på deras redan sköra välfärdssystem. En potentiell lösning, enligt Internationella valutafonden IMF, är så kallade Special Drawing Rights.

3 maj, 2021, Reportage

Dubbelmoralen inom svensk vapenexport

Fortsatt vapenexport till kriget i Jemen. Foto: Felton Davis, Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Av: Hanna Kristiansen

I regeringens utrikespolitiska debatt i slutet på februari var det bland annat fokus på Sveriges engagemang genom humanitärt bistånd i den allvarliga konflikten i Jemen. Samtidigt fortsätter exporten av svensk krigsmateriel till de stridande parterna, vilket bidrar till brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. Sveriges vapenexport står i skarp kontrast mot den utvecklingspolitik riksdagen slagit fast, det menar Magnus Walan, senior policyrådgivare på Diakonia

3 maj, 2021, Reportage

Rural Development: The key to tackle local hunger and poverty?

The lack of knowledge to respect nature and discrimination against minorities have created great hunger and poverty challenges. Photo: Samuel Vigier, Flickr

Av: Claire Coviaux och Maria Malmsten

Rural development is the process of life quality improvement and economic growth of rural populations in developing countries. It reduces local poverty and hunger by addressing many multi-sectoral needs including education, health, agriculture, and natural resources. The concept first appeared in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 – Chapter 14. Its major influence in the international […]

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3 maj, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

A Successful Story of Regional Revitalisation in Taiwan

Many people see rural areas as non-economical; however, the Taiwanese government has declared 2019 as Taiwan’s Regional Revitalisation Year to make a change. Photo: Pixabay

Av: Yi-Chia Chen

Regional revitalisation is a concept originated from Japan in 2012. Since Taiwan is facing similar problems as Japan, the Taiwanese government also decides to adopt this concept to attract people to move to rural areas. Instead of focusing on redevelopment, revitalisation comes to play an important role.

3 maj, 2021, English, Long read, Magazine

EU moves towards sustainable trade

The proposal of the European Parliament is aimed to reduce environmental destruction and to increase human rights protection in the supply chain. Photo: Rainforest Rescue 2014/Flickr

Av: Aarne Hakomäki och Stefanie Scharmann

On 27 January 2021, the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP) adopted a draft for a European supply chain law. The draft proposes strict regulations of the environmental standards and human rights within the value chains of companies.

3 maj, 2021, English, Magazine, News article

Global agribusiness continues to displace rural communities

Global agribusiness continues to grow with harmful consequences for smallholder farmers and rural communities. Photo: Zonc_Photos/Pixabay.

Av: Sanna Honkaniemi

Land grabs facilitated by multinational corporations, foreign investors and local governments in a pursuit for agribusiness have been escalating during the last decade. Huge acquisitions of farmland have led to violent displacements of rural populations. Although reports of the practice are not as recurrent in the media, the problem is far from over.

3 maj, 2021, English, Magazine, News article

Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities struggle in Ecuador

The northernwestern Esmeraldas Province, a highly marginalised and invisibilized region, is home to the Chachi, Awá, and Épera Indigenous peoples, traditional Afro-descendant communities, and Mestizo people. Photo: Julianne Hazlewood

Av: Eleonora Moen och Leni Lindemann

Palm oil companies are detrimentally impacting rural livelihoods and biodiversity in northwestern Ecuador by extracting resources and polluting ancestral lands and rivers. Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and health hazards posed by these companies. As an act of resistance, the communities, supported by the organisation Roots & Routes IC, have filed the world’s first constitutionally-based Rights of Nature Lawsuit to demand justice.

3 maj, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine

The paradox of food waste and hunger

Claire van Enk created Farm to Feed Kenya to connect farmers and people suffering from hunger. Photo: Micky Schepers-Farm to Feed Kenya

Av: Maria Malmsten

The paradox of hunger, food loss and waste is a global issue. All around the world, a third of all produced food never reaches the consumer. Claire van Enk has created Farm to Feed Kenya to bring about change in these issues, while striving for a healthier planet.

29 april, 2021, English, Long read, Magazine

How NGOs work with organic agriculture and community development

Day farmers outside Trichy, Photo: Klara Bengtsson.

Av: Klara Bengtsson

FUF Lund Magazine has interviewed Birgitta Göransson Liste, the chairperson of the Swallows India Bangladesh to hear about work, civil society and the role of rural- and community development. The organisation has been working with rural development in India and Bangladesh for the last 60 years. One area of focus has been small-scale organic agriculture.

29 april, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine