Post-Conflict Development’s Crucial Role in State Reconstruction

82 million people are currently fleeing war and conflict. Photo: UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan.

Av: Claire Coviaux och Maria Malmsten

Only a few weeks ago, an eleven day conflict between Israel and Palestine united multiple world leaders and organizations to find a peaceful solution. Efforts to maintain international peace as well as to end war have contributed to creating multinational organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. However, in many cases the […]

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23 juni, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

Rural Development: The key to tackle local hunger and poverty?

The lack of knowledge to respect nature and discrimination against minorities have created great hunger and poverty challenges. Photo: Samuel Vigier, Flickr

Av: Claire Coviaux och Maria Malmsten

Rural development is the process of life quality improvement and economic growth of rural populations in developing countries. It reduces local poverty and hunger by addressing many multi-sectoral needs including education, health, agriculture, and natural resources. The concept first appeared in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 – Chapter 14. Its major influence in the international […]

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3 maj, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

The SDGs: Between hope and disillusions, what has to be done?

There are several obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Progress is being made, but not yet in the speed and scale needed. The question is if the challenges will be overcome in time. (Photo: United Nations Ukraine/Flickr)

Av: Claire Coviaux och Josefine Nilsson

The United Nations introduced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 intending to address the most urgent human challenges until 2030. The main mantra of the SDGs, ensuring no one is left behind, demonstrates the direction towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. This year marks five years of the 2030 Agenda and the […]

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16 december, 2020, Editorial, English, Ledare, Magazine