Global agribusiness continues to displace rural communities

Global agribusiness continues to grow with harmful consequences for smallholder farmers and rural communities. Photo: Zonc_Photos/Pixabay.

Av: Sanna Honkaniemi

Land grabs facilitated by multinational corporations, foreign investors and local governments in a pursuit for agribusiness have been escalating during the last decade. Huge acquisitions of farmland have led to violent displacements of rural populations. Although reports of the practice are not as recurrent in the media, the problem is far from over.

3 maj, 2021, English, Magazine, News article

Business as usual

The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by 193 countries in 2015, but are not on track to be achieved by the 2030 target. (Photo: United Nations Photo/Flickr.)

Av: Klara Bengtsson och Sanna Honkaniemi

The world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accomplish the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The 17 goals claiming to be transformational are contradictory and insufficient. Poverty has not decreased, inequality is deepening and emissions keep rising. If the SDGs wish to be more than business as usual, structural change is needed.

18 december, 2020, English, Magazine, Opinion