Of: Nikolina Stålhand
I understand that it is important for donors, taxpayers and other funders of aid and development projects to be able to see a measurable difference in the money spent. Despite this, it can sometimes be difficult to quantitatively measure all types of change. Social aspects such as increased self-confidence, mental support or new friends may not always […]
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June 11, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Of: Nikolina Stålhand
From the first day of the training at IM in Lund, we learned that an important part of IM's work is to see people as rights holders and to continuously involve and build the capacity of the local population. Being now in place and actually seeing how this works in practice has been both inspiring and […]
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June 11, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Dil Maya, who is the secretary of the agricultural group, talks about the latest developments in the area. Photo: Nikolina Stålhand / IM
Of: Nikolina Stålhand
- I now know that women can do everything and therefore want to encourage other women to become leaders and increase women's leadership in Nepal. The words come from Chin Maya, chairman of one of the agricultural groups in Naram that has received support from IM through MADE-Nepal. Since Chin Maya became part of the group for two years […]
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June 11, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Meeting with Sneha Gurung (far left) and the other women in the group who learned how to make Dhaka clothes. Photo: Nikolina Stålhand / IM
Of: Nikolina Stålhand
On April 25, 2015, life changed completely for many people in Nepal. The earthquake that occurred measured 7,5 on the Richter scale and was the strongest in just over 80 years. 9000 people died, almost 30 were injured and the material damage amounted to billions. Although many people are still living in the suites of this disaster, it is a […]
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June 11, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Anita Gurung. Photo: Nikolina Stålhand / IM
Of: Nikolina Stålhand
- I have gained increased respect and dignity in my family and in society, says Anita Gurung, chairman of a group of women who, with the support of IM, have started manufacturing traditional Dhaka products in Munchock, Gorkha.
December 12, 2017, FUF-correspondents