Dil Maya, who is the secretary of the agricultural group, talks about the latest developments in the area. Photo: Nikolina Stålhand / IM
Of: Nikolina Stålhand
- I now know that women can do everything and therefore want to encourage other women to become leaders and increase women's leadership in Nepal. The words come from Chin Maya, chairman of one of the agricultural groups in Naram that has received support from IM through MADE-Nepal. Since Chin Maya became part of the group for two years […]
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June 11, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Of: Lynn Jansson
In the eyes of the state, they do not exist - the 230 million children who today have no legal existence worldwide. This is despite the fact that the right to citizenship and personal identity is included in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and is pursued through sub-goals in Agenda 2030. The startup company iCivil has developed a technical solution that can help remedy the problem.
May 21, 2018, Reportage