Datum och tid: 20 maj, 19:00
National strikes, Human rights violations and a new wave of crise. What is really happening in Colombia right now? Since the pandemic struck the country, like all over the world, the inequalities rise and were shown more than ever. This plus the release of a new tax reform by the government, were the beginning of massive […]
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18 maj, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 25 maj, 19:00
To join us on this evening please sign up for the event using this simple signup link » The pandemic has struck the world in several different ways. Now, later than a year after the first confirmed cases of the COVID-19, the different vaccines developed by the health industry are being distributed worldwide. According to the […]
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17 maj, 2021, English, Event, Kalendarium
Datum och tid: 5 maj, 00:00
”We should go to the front, lay ourselves on the road until it stops, because we can’t continue to have this situation” We are discussing the current situation in Mozambique, that has been hit by violence, especially in Cabo Delgado the north. Because the information, both within and outside the country, is very limited on […]
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12 maj, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 16 maj, 00:00 - 00:00
Vi i FUF Jönköping vill härmed bjuda in er till vår tipspromenad formad för att lära allmänheten om utvecklingsfrågor som bland annat rör mänskliga rättigheter, politik och klimat. Tipspromenaden är uppsatt längs med en bit av Munksjön i Jönköping. Frågorna är beskrivna både på engelska och svenska, och svaren står på baksidan av varje fråga. Dessa […]
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5 maj, 2021, Event, Kalendarium
Datum och tid: 11 maj, 17:30 - 19:00
Även om stora delar av arbetet med utvecklingsfrågor i världen sker nere på jorden vill FUF nu belysa det arbete som sker ovan oss, i rymden. De globala hållbarhetsmålen syftar till att avskaffa extrem fattigdom, att minska ojämlikheter och orättvisor i världen, att främja fred och rättvisa och att lösa klimatkrisen. Dessa är ambitiösa mål […]
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4 maj, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 3 maj, 18:00 - 19:00
Register here » What challenges does Tunisia, a newly democratized country, face 10 years after the revolution? Ten years ago, demonstrations where the population demanded political and human rights started in Tunisia. The protests led to a revolution and eventually democratization. What was it that made this revolution successful and what has changed for the […]
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28 april, 2021, Event, Kalendarium
Datum och tid: 6 maj, 18:00 - 19:00
Register here » How has the pandemic been handled in non-democratic and authoritarian countries? Democracy has in many ways been put to the test during the pandemic. Over the past year due to COVID-19, social, political and economic inequalities have been highlighted around the world and the survival of democracy in some countries has been called into […]
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27 april, 2021, English, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 21 apr, 12:00
What is happening right now in Tanzania? Samia Suluhu has just entered as the lands new president, after years of oppression of activists, journalists and LGBTQ persons by the former president John Magufuli. She comes with hope, but in the same time, you can almost feel the country holding its breath. Listen to Prof. Samuel […]
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23 april, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 29 apr, 14:00 - 15:00
We only have nine years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change and build a sustainable future for us and future generations. But what kind of attempts are actually being made by governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Agenda 2030? How can we contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation […]
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21 april, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 28 apr, 12:00 - 13:30
We only have nine years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change and build a sustainable future for us and future generations. But what kind of attempts are actually being made by governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Agenda 2030? How can we contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation […]
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21 april, 2021, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning