Av: Edmé Dominguez
Det finns en dokumentärfilm som heter Maqulapolis som berättar om några mexikanska kvinnors dagliga liv. De arbetar som maquiladorasarbetare i Tijuana i Mexicos nordvästra gräns mot USA. Maquiladoras betyder monteringsfabriker, det vill säga fabriker som monterar olika produkter från industridelar som kommer från olika håll i världen. De är en del av så kallade ”global value […]
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8 december, 2020, Gästkrönika
“Ni una menos” (not one less) is the name of the ongoing feminist movement in Latin America. Photo: Annika Engwall
Av: Annika Engwall
On International Women’s day, Mexican women gathered to march the central streets of Mexico City. This is their response to the widespread daily gender-based violence. FUF’s correspondent reports from the march.
26 mars, 2020, Article, English, Magazine
“La Marea Verde” is a women reproductive rights movement that started in 2018 in Argentina. It has spread almost everywhere in the Latin American region, from Santiago de Chile to Mexico City. Photo: Danielle Lupin, Flickr
Av: Carlos Ranero
In 1993, the femicide of 13-year-old Alma Chavira Farel was reported to the police of Ciudad Juarez. This report marked the beginning of an investigation that discovered “Las Muertas de Juarez” (The Dead Women of Juarez) and that brought to light the violence that women suffer in Mexico. This situation incited the women to mobilize […]
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31 januari, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine
While soft-drink producers are making their sodas cheaper than ever, San Cristóbal in Mexico is running out of water. Photo: Pixabay.
Av: Fredrik Björksten
In the mountains of southern Mexico lies the city of San Cristóbal with around 170,000 inhabitants. Located in one of the rainiest regions in the country, you might be surprised to learn that many neighbourhoods in San Cristóbal only has running water two days a week. Luckily for the people, however, there’s a local bottling […]
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17 juni, 2019, Editorial, English, Magazine
Demonstration till minne av den mördade journalisten Ján Kuciak och hans flickvän Martina Kušnírová. Bratislava, mars 2018 Foto: Peter Tkac, Flickr
Av: Jennifer Augustsson
Hotet mot journalister och mediearbetare har ökat globalt under 2018, enligt rapporter från organisationer för pressfrihet. Den oroväckande trenden ser inte ut att slå av på farten och det uppmanas till en förbättring.
26 april, 2019, Reportage
An elderly woman in domestic work, Mexico. Photo: Lorna Brooks, Flickr.
Av: Carlos Ranero och Charlotte German
The film ROMA portrays the life of an indigenous woman in Mexico and has sparked a debate about the working conditions for indigenous domestic workers in the country. Discrimination, violence and no working security are some of the risks that make up the daily work life for many of the marginalized women.
9 april, 2019, English, Magazine