The fight for reproductive rights in Mexico

“La Marea Verde” is a women reproductive rights movement that started in 2018 in Argentina. It has spread almost everywhere in the Latin American region, from Santiago de Chile to Mexico City. Photo: Danielle Lupin, Flickr

Av: Carlos Ranero

In 1993, the femicide of 13-year-old Alma Chavira Farel was reported to the police of Ciudad Juarez. This report marked the beginning of an investigation that discovered “Las Muertas de Juarez” (The Dead Women of Juarez) and that brought to light the violence that women suffer in Mexico. This situation incited the women to mobilize […]

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31 januari, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine

The Fight to Increase Women’s Political Power in India Continues

Tara Krishnaswamy

Tara Krishnaswamy, founder of the Shakti movement, states that India still hasn't had a feminist revolution. Photo: Shakti

Av: Josefine Nilsson

Even if the proportion of women in parliament increased after the 2019 election, the gender imbalance in Indian politics remains. FUF Magazine has interviewed one of the initiative-takers of the Indian movement Shakti, Tara Krishnaswamy, who is fighting for more women in politics.

30 januari, 2020, Article, English, Magazine

Stolen, Enslaved and now my Wife

Kyrgyzstan has been accused by the United Nations for failing to protect victims and adequately prosecute perpetrators of bride-kidnapping. Photo: Gazvbubu Babayarova.

Av: Iryna Sharypina och Tessa Stockburger

In Kyrgyzstan, a girl is kidnapped every 40 minutes and forced into a marriage with her kidnapper. Now as #MeToo has spread around the globe, Kyrgyz women and girls are speaking out to end this practice.

10 april, 2019, Article, English, Magazine

“Break the silence, end the violence”

Another missing and murdered indigenous women's march in Minnesota, 2017 Source: Flickr

Av: Louise Gripenberg och Maria Ricksten

In the beginning of October 2018, another march for indigenous rights was held in Montreal, Canada. Hundreds gathered to remind politicians and police officers of the missing and murdered indigenous women. Canada’s long history of ethnic discrimination continues to echo today alongside the government’s failure to address this structural violence.

26 oktober, 2018, Article, English, Magazine