Involving men in gender equality

Venkateshappa and Ramamurthy

Venkateshappa and Ramamurthy have participated in trainings on the social and legal aspects of gender equality. Photo: Linda Zetterström

Av: Linda Zetterström

There is a strong women’s movement in India. Men’s participation in the movement is, however, still limited. In order to successfully work with gender equality, the women rights organisation Grameena Mahila Okkuta is educating men.

13 mars, 2020, Article, English, Magazine

Online Gender Activism in India: Working Through the Fears

The #SupremeInjustice protests held in many cities across India in May 2019 were largely conceived, organised, and promoted online by gender activists. Photo: Padmalatha Ravi

Av: Shruti Sharada

A year has passed since #MeToo galvanised online gender activism in India. But as defamation cases rise and the accused remain powerful, activists need to look back at what made online activism so powerful in the first place.

31 januari, 2020, English, Guest piece, Magazine

Georgian women are fighting for inclusive politics

Women are not being represented enough in politics in Georgia, but there are organizations working to change this. Photo: Maka Gogaladze/UN Women

Av: Åsa Setterquist

Gender stereotypes are hindering women from entering politics in Georgia. Today, only 16 percent of Georgia's members of parliament are women. IDP Women's Movement For Peace (IMEDI) wants to change this by supporting women’s political engagements.

25 november, 2019, English, FUF-korrespondenterna, Magazine

Why Gender Matters

Gender inequalities affect all branches of all societies and must be taken into account for development to work. Photo: UN Women/Flickr.

Av: Fredrik Björksten

It was not very surprising when the video of Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a Polish member of the European Parliament, went viral in early 2017. On the floor of the EU parliament, the Polish right-wing extremist stood up and proclaimed that; “women must earn less than men because they are weaker, smaller and less intelligent!”. Responding to […]

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10 december, 2018, Editorial, English, Magazine