Almedalen 2015: What is the most important development issue?

Jonas Björk, Carl-Johan Backman and Frida Ashbourne from Bistå walked around Almedalen and asked which is the most important development issue. They encountered, among others, the Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf, the feminist initiative's MEP Soraya Post, the playwright and debater Stina Oscarsson and Save the Children Gotland's chairman Peter Herthelius. Listen to which development question they think is most important!

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June 29, 2015, FUF pods

Sweden should give visas to people on the run

Of: Madelaine Seidlitz

While we peacefully celebrate Midsummer in Sweden, millions of people in the world are fleeing. Some lose their lives on the road to a closed Europe, others are imprisoned by criminal gangs in Libya. Sweden should set a good example and give humanitarian visas to people who want to seek asylum, writes Madelaine Seidlitz at Amnesty International.

June 18, 2015, Debate

Use the UN's development goals to stop harmful child labor

Of: Carolina Ehrnrooth

Right now, UN member states are negotiating the new development goals that will make the world more equal, prosperous and sustainable. At the same time, 168 million of the world's children are working in harmful jobs. The world's governments must understand the extent of the problem and ensure that children are actually included in development goals, writes Carolina Ehrnrooth at Barnfonden.

June 12, 2015, Debate

Wrong focus when we set the road construction towards new schools

Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson)

Build roads and hydropower plants or raise teachers' salaries and invest more money in healthcare? In Uganda, the government and donors have different views on what to prioritize. But the debate about priorities and budget shares risks missing the real core question - how the state should implement its budget, writes Annie Sturesson who works at the Ministry of Finance in Uganda.

June 1, 2015, Debate