FUF's chancellor Anna Sjöberg Tibblin and board member Lennart Wohlgemuth have written the report "Swedish Multi-Bi Aid and Development Effectiveness" for the Expert Group for Aid Analysis (EBA).
Of: The Chancellery
December 9, 2024, FUF news, News
Of: Samir Dualeh
The Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) is the most effective aid agency to have operated in Somaliland for the past 25 years. For the first time, Somaliland is experiencing ownership and significant progress in development projects, and the business is welcomed by the public. It is extremely important that SDF receives continued support from the outside world, and therefore Sweden should immediately join the development fund, writes Samir Dualeh at Somaliland Committee in Sweden.
November 1, 2016, Debate
Of: Anders Oljelund
"Without security no development and without development no security" is stated in political speeches. But what does that mean in practice? Synergies between security efforts and aid efforts can be found, but it is very complicated and requires careful coordination. Anders Oljelund writes this on the occasion of the ongoing Afghanistan investigation.
June 9, 2016, Debate
Of: Lennart Wohlgemuth
After about fifteen years of good growth, economic development in Africa has changed abruptly. The need for assistance is increasing at the same time as donor countries are making cuts and reprioritisations. Now we must make sure to safeguard long-term poverty reduction efforts run by the African countries themselves, writes Lennart Wohlgemuth.
May 16, 2016, Debate
Of: Carolina Ehrnrooth
Right now, UN member states are negotiating the new development goals that will make the world more equal, prosperous and sustainable. At the same time, 168 million of the world's children are working in harmful jobs. The world's governments must understand the extent of the problem and ensure that children are actually included in development goals, writes Carolina Ehrnrooth at Barnfonden.
June 12, 2015, Debate
Of: Leif Jonsson, Marielle Pettersson and Ylva J Strömberg
The earthquakes in Nepal and their tragic consequences were unfortunately no surprise to us who work with disasters. Now we need assistance that invests resources to a much greater extent than today within a disaster. Aid that reduces risks, saves lives and saves money, writes the Red Cross.
May 21, 2015, Debate
Of: Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth
When the Paris Declaration was negotiated in 2005, it was seen as a paradigm shift in international aid policy. Donors and recipients would take joint responsibility and assistance would be more effective. But today very little of the agreements remains, write Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth.
April 15, 2015, Debate