Globala hälsoorganisationer måste jobba mer med jämställdhet

Av: Ulrika Modéer

Sverige, genom biståndsmyndigheten Sida, ligger i topp när det gäller jämställdhetsarbete inom global hälsa. Det visar en ny rapport som lanseras idag. Nu måste vi fortsätta jobba för att engagera pojkar och män inom global hälsa, öka andelen kvinnliga chefer hos globala hälsoaktörer och skapa arbetsplatser fria från sexism, skriver statssekreterare Ulrika Modéer.

8 mars, 2018, Debatt

FUF Magazine theme III: Climate Change

The hunt for snowballs might get difficult. Photo: Kathryn Hansen, NASA

Av: Fredrik Björksten

Instead, as research has confirmed over and over again, increasing greenhouse gas emissions raise the average temperature on earth over time. Therefore, in this edition we share some perspectives on issues related to climate change which may change our planet as we know it. Meanwhile, Senator Inhofe’s hunt for snowball and cheap points continues, although chances are it will be increasingly difficult for him to find one. We will, however, offer some thoughts on why Inhofe is in denial, on the consumerist culture, climate refugees, biofuels and the North-South divide in this issue.

6 mars, 2018, Editorial, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Rethinking migration in the context of climate change

Foto: Caroline Gluck, EU ECHO

Av: Klara Eitrem Holmgren & Louise Gripenberg

The large numbers of displaced populations we see today have been responded to with overall regressive measures. Matthew Scott, an international lawyer specializing in migration, talked to us about the possibilities and challenges of displacement in the context of disasters and climate change that lie ahead. Matthew Scott is an international lawyer at the Raoul […]

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4 mars, 2018, Article, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Combating climate change through biofuels – at what cost?

EU-standards aim at ensuring an eco-friendly biofuel production. But are social and ecological impacts taken into account sufficiently? Photo: alh1, Flickr

Av: Elin Fredriksson

Biofuels seem to be an important step in the combat against climate change, as they represent a renewable and less polluting alternative to fossil fuels. However, its agricultural production provokes controversial discussions. Several international organisations seek to raise awareness about the social and ecological impacts of the rising biofuel demand. One of the EU’s political […]

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1 mars, 2018, Article, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Värdefull natur och urfolksterritorier hotas av gruvor

Av: Linnea Kronebrant

Ecuadors regering driver en aggressiv utvinningspolitik och gruvkoncessioner, tillstånd att bedriva gruvverksamhet, breder ut sig över stora delar av landet. De nya gruvorna drabbar både urfolksterritorier och naturskyddsområden – och samtidigt framställs människorna som kämpar för att bevara det livsviktiga vattnet och skogarna som ”utvecklingsmotståndare” och ”maffia” av staten. Ecuador har redan drabbats av de […]

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27 februari, 2018, FUF-korrespondenterna

The environment the victim in the battle between low and high income countries

What are low-income countries obligations in combating climate change? Foto: Khuroshvili Ilya, Flickr

Av: Dimen Hoshiar och Mathilda Englund

Climate change is global in its nature, yet nations argue who ought to undertake the responsibility of solving the issue of global warming. International negotiations resulted in the Kyoto Protocol, which exempted low income countries from any obligations. Frank Baber, from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, proposes a human rights approach in order to find a […]

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27 februari, 2018, Article, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Hunger for Consumption

Av: Kristoffer Berglund

Amidst the chaos in contemporary politics with an escalating polarization, another story has passed by relatively quietly. For the first time in decades, during 2016 global hunger increased instead of decreased. The number? Some 38 million people.  The Food and Agriculture Organization claims that the reason, contrary to populist belief, is the one-two punch of […]

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26 februari, 2018, Chronicle, English, FUF Lund, Magazine