Waste Management Is Key to Sustainable Development

Tony Clark, The CEO of Avfall Sverige. Photo: Avfall Sverige.

Tony Clark, The CEO of Avfall Sverige. Photo: Avfall Sverige.

Av: Maria Malmsten

Sustainable waste management is key for reaching many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Well planned waste management aims to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. I interviewed Tony Clark, CEO of Avfall Sverige, to discuss how to make waste management more sustainable.

29 december, 2020, Article, English, Intervju, Magazine

Frugal Innovations: The Future of Development?

The water billboard set up in Lima, Peru, by the University of Technology in Lima enables locals to have access to free clean water. (“Photo: Plantamer blog post.”)

Doing more with less. This is how the economist Navi Radjou defines frugal innovations. Although it is an old practice, it is only now resurfacing as a smart and sustainable approach to international development. As this economic approach rethinks consumerism and resource management, can we look at it as the future of development?

27 december, 2020, Article, English, Magazine, Reportage

The one solution connecting multiple SDGs in Nepal

Illustrating a school girl in Nepal. Photo: Wellington College (A trip to Nepal)/Flickr.

Av: Irina Martin

Along with my classmates from Lund University, together we wrote a project proposal which, fictionally, has been approved by the European Commission as part of the course assignment. After hours of discussion and reflections, the decision was to deal with the lack of menstrual health education and accessible menstrual products in the district of Chitwan […]

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25 december, 2020, Chronicle, English, Krönika, Magazine

When SDGs Meet Human Rights Cities

Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (“Photo: FUF Lund/RWI Lund”)

Av: Chiara D’Agni och Yi-Chia Chen

Human rights cities, as Lund, is a new phenomenon and according to a recent report by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) they can better contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FUF Magazine has interviewed the Director of the RWI, Morten Kjaerum, to talk about SDGs and human rights cities.

21 december, 2020, Article, English, Intervju, Magazine

Why economic growth won’t save the climate

Economic growth contributes to climate change through large scale resource extraction. Photo: Andrew Taylor/Flickr

Av: Alice Castensson och Julian Dannefjord

The United Nations envisions both increased economic growth and effective climate action by the end of this decade. The combination of these is not consistent in the current state of the world. To effectively combat the threat of climate change, we need a shift in the status quo and a different economic structure.

20 december, 2020, Chronicle, English, Krönika, Magazine

The SDGs in the Global North: Native Americans Lack Access to Water

Illustrating the Importance of Water in the Navajo Nation Photo: Dig Deep

Av: Alice Antoniou och Julia Mühlhauser

Covid-19 has increased awareness of the importance of sanitation globally; however, many face challenges meeting hygiene needs due to difficulties accessing clean water. Native Americans in the United States are particularly hard hit by this issue.

19 december, 2020, English, Magazine, News article, Nyhet

Business as usual

The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by 193 countries in 2015, but are not on track to be achieved by the 2030 target. (Photo: United Nations Photo/Flickr.)

Av: Klara Bengtsson och Sanna Honkaniemi

The world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accomplish the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The 17 goals claiming to be transformational are contradictory and insufficient. Poverty has not decreased, inequality is deepening and emissions keep rising. If the SDGs wish to be more than business as usual, structural change is needed.

18 december, 2020, English, Magazine, Opinion

SDGs – an integrated approach?

Christine Wamsler, Professor at LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies in Sweden). Photo: Christine Wamsler

Av: Emily Elderfield och Larissa Lachmann

Professor Christine Wamsler’s research includes the role of mindset in tackling sustainability issues, and how individuals and cities can better respond to challenges of the climate crisis. We spoke to her about scales of sustainability, questioned whether the SDGs are integrated enough, and explored the role of education and communication strategies on sustainability.

17 december, 2020, Article, English, Intervju, Magazine