Uganda – makt och motstånd
30 oktober, 2018, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
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30 oktober, 2018, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
A couple of centuries ago, there was really no need to talk about either indigenous or native populations. People were then, by definition, all natives to where they were born and lived. However, as colonialism started to spread across the globe, people with roots dating back centuries was being pushed away for the sake of […]
26 oktober, 2018, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
26 oktober, 2018, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
Vad har hållbar fred att göra med miljö, klimat och naturresurser? FUF och Mänsklig Säkerhet bjöd in till ett seminarium om utmaningar med att bygga hållbar fred i efterkrigsländer, med fokus på miljöfrågor och fredsprocessen i Colombia. Medverkade gjorde forskarna Florian Krampe (SIPRI) och Karina Barquet (SEI) och Forum Syds fd Colombiachef Claudia Arenas. Moderator: Robert Egnell (Försvarshögskolan). Språk: engelska. Seminariet ägde rum den 25 oktober 2018.
26 oktober, 2018, FUF-podden
Av: Louise Gripenberg och Maria Ricksten
In the beginning of October 2018, another march for indigenous rights was held in Montreal, Canada. Hundreds gathered to remind politicians and police officers of the missing and murdered indigenous women. Canada’s long history of ethnic discrimination continues to echo today alongside the government’s failure to address this structural violence.
Av: Johanna Caminati Engström och Lisa Elamson
In the last decade, progress has been made for the rights of the indigenous people of Ecuador. But despite a favourable legal context and numerous promises made by the government, their rights are still under threat by foreign economic interests.
Av: Carolina Yang
In the field of agriculture where production is the major appeal, a lens from the indigenous perspectives provides opportunities to relieve the unprecedented environmental stress imposed by industrial agriculture. Rather than over-simplified food system, sustainability will be more reachable if native wisdom is applied in celebration of diversity.
Av: Alexandra Håkansson och Linda Sebbas
For the last decades UNESCO has been criticised for not tending to indigenous rights. The World Heritage convention has, despite its aim, resulted in devastating consequences for indigenous peoples. Signs of change in their work can be detected, but will it be enough?
Av: Hanna Geschewski och Vittorio Capici
The loss of Indigenous peoples’ natural resource base is often associated with rainforest clearing, dam projects and the mining industry. But it is not always the infamous multinational corporations that drive native peoples from their lands. Two examples from India and Alaska illustrate how public conservation policies and inter-indigenous conflicts threaten communities and identities.