Internationell klimatpolitik: En tillbakablick och en framåtblick
3 februari, 2020, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
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3 februari, 2020, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
Av: Hanna Geschewski och Lauren Tropeano
Both of us remember hearing news of a girl named Greta on strike alone in front of the Swedish Parliament, holding a sign reading ”Skolstrejk för klimatet”. It was hard to imagine then that a few months later, on 20 September 2019, she would inspire more than four million people to follow her example at […]
Av: Donya Zikry
In Lebanon, thousands of people are expressing their grievances as the government announced to impose a tax on WhatsApp. Deep structural crises have culminated in one of the largest protests to occur in Lebanon in 14 years.
Av: Carlos Ranero
In 1993, the femicide of 13-year-old Alma Chavira Farel was reported to the police of Ciudad Juarez. This report marked the beginning of an investigation that discovered “Las Muertas de Juarez” (The Dead Women of Juarez) and that brought to light the violence that women suffer in Mexico. This situation incited the women to mobilize […]
Av: Shruti Sharada
A year has passed since #MeToo galvanised online gender activism in India. But as defamation cases rise and the accused remain powerful, activists need to look back at what made online activism so powerful in the first place.
31 januari, 2020, English, Guest piece, Magazine
Av: Josefine Nilsson
Even if the proportion of women in parliament increased after the 2019 election, the gender imbalance in Indian politics remains. FUF Magazine has interviewed one of the initiative-takers of the Indian movement Shakti, Tara Krishnaswamy, who is fighting for more women in politics.