Stolen, Enslaved and now my Wife

Kyrgyzstan has been accused by the United Nations for failing to protect victims and adequately prosecute perpetrators of bride-kidnapping. Photo: Gazvbubu Babayarova.

Av: Iryna Sharypina och Tessa Stockburger

In Kyrgyzstan, a girl is kidnapped every 40 minutes and forced into a marriage with her kidnapper. Now as #MeToo has spread around the globe, Kyrgyz women and girls are speaking out to end this practice.

10 april, 2019, Article, English, Magazine

”Women are for children, boys are for pleasure”

Bacha bazi, or “boy play” in Dari, is a practice that is synonymous with the sexual exploitation of boys. Photo: US Embassy Kabul, Flickr.

Av: Alexandra Håkansson och Lisa Elamson

In 2017 the Afghan government introduced a new Criminal Code explicitly addressing the under-reported issue of bacha bazi. The practice involves older men taking advantage of young boys in vulnerable situations and has increased since the fall of the Taliban regime. Although introducing new laws banning bacha bazi is a welcome move, the issue extends far beyond national laws.

10 april, 2019, English, Long read, Magazine

Inside Mumbai’s Red Light District

A cramped, narrow lane in Kamathipura, Mumbai. Photo: Jaideep Vaidya, Flickr

Av: Johanna Caminati Engström och Jonathan Wirths

In India, addressing sex trafficking remains a challenge. A study from 2013 found that four in five female sex workers in the country have been trafficked and forced into the industry. But what happens afterwards? What are the challenges for organisations that try to support sex workers who have been trafficked? Olga González, who has recently worked in one of Asia’s largest and oldest red light areas in Mumbai, answered our questions.

10 april, 2019, Article, English, Magazine

Inkludera unga – på riktigt!

March for our lives i Minnesota, USA

Unga syns i många demonstrationer runtom i världen, men det är sällan de blir politiska representanter, skriver debattören. Foto: Fibonacci Blue

Av: Hanna Waerland-Fager

Unga har, enligt FN, en nyckelroll för att skapa fred och säkerhet. Trots det finns unga människor sällan representerade i politiken. Många unga känner tvärtom frustration, hopplöshet och brist på tilltro till sina regeringar och det internationella samfundet, skriver Hanna Waerland-Fager från Utrikespolitiska förbundet.

10 april, 2019, Debatt

In the wake of the film ROMA

An elderly woman in domestic work, Mexico. Photo: Lorna Brooks, Flickr.

Av: Carlos Ranero och Charlotte German

The film ROMA portrays the life of an indigenous woman in Mexico and has sparked a debate about the working conditions for indigenous domestic workers in the country. Discrimination, violence and no working security are some of the risks that make up the daily work life for many of the marginalized women.

9 april, 2019, English, Magazine

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