Jämställdhet avgörande för att avskaffa hunger

Av: Kawinzi Muiu

Jämställdhet och avskaffandet av hunger hänger tätt samman. Kvinnor och flickor har en avgörande roll för landsbygdsutveckling, men hindras av strukturella barriärer. Att arbeta med ett genusperspektiv i konfliktsituationer ökar biståndsinsatsernas effektivitet. Därför är det viktigt att sätta kvinnor och jämställdhet i centrum i humanitärt bistånd och utvecklingssamarbete, skriver Kawinzi Muiu, direktör för genderavdelningen på FN:s World Food Programme (WFP).

16 april, 2018, Debatt

Sex abuse in a humanitarian context – time for a culture shift?

UN Women and partners led a global “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls last year, which sparked activist movements around the world, like this group composed of civil society, UN and general public members in Rabbat, Morocco, to speak up about violence against women. Photo: Younes El Moumine/UN Women

Av: Lou Darriet

Women throughout history have faced sexual violence in conflict environments, but the recent allegations against humanitarian workers’ sexual misconduct might be the beginning of a shift towards fighting gender-based violence worldwide more proactively. Development and humanitarian actors worldwide are stepping up to ensure the safety and security of women and girls in conflict and post […]

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14 april, 2018, Article, English, FUF Lund, Magazine

Consult the users! How toilets impact the fight for gender equality

Access to clean, protected and gender-separated toilets would encourage girls to go to school, also when they are menstruating. Fatehpur Sikri, India. Photo: Flickr, Ignas Kukenys

Av: Elin Fredriksson

When the train from Delhi sets off to the north of India, it passes by long fields at the outskirts of the capital. In the early morning, the passengers of the train can observe how dozens of men and women walk around in the field and eventually bend down to defecate. It is the daily […]

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1 april, 2018, English, FUF Lund, Magazine, Reportage