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Western Sahara – from a youth perspective

Foto: Råfilm och Equipe Media

Datum och tid: 15 nov, 18:00 - 19:30

Western Sahara is the last colony in Africa, occupied by the neighbouring country of Morocco since 1975. Young Sahrawis who have grown up in the refugee camps and the occupied area are starting to lose patience and faith in a peaceful solution to the conflict. During this seminar you will meet Ahmed Ettanji, a young Sahrawi and a journalist, who will tell us about the lack of democracy and human rights, and we will hear about the conflict from a youth perspective.

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5 november, 2018, English, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning

Climate countdown – get up to speed on the upcoming climate negotiations

Datum och tid: 12 nov, 15:30 - 17:00

Flooding, storms, heat waves and a fast melting Arctic. Every other week alarming reports from scientists point out that the world is not doing enough to limit emissions and global warming. In December 2018, the 24th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) will take place in Katowice, Poland, to finalize the rules for implementation of the Paris agreement. Join us for a seminar about international climate negotiations and the upcoming COP24!

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1 november, 2018, English, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning

Ethiopia at a turning point

Datum och tid: 8 nov, 18:00 - 19:30

After years of authoritarian rule and oppression, Ethiopia seems to have reached a turning point after the appointment of its new Prime Minister Abiye Ahmed in April 2018. Thousands of political prisoners have been released, previously banned opposition groups living abroad have been invited back, and several far-reaching reforms are being introduced. Is this the beginning of a new era?

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24 oktober, 2018, English, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning

Förlorad generation? – Syrienkrigets konsekvenser för barn och unga

Foto: Plan International Sverige

Datum och tid: 30 okt, 18:00 - 19:30

Konflikten i Syrien är inne på sitt åttonde år, och i början av 2018 beräknades 6 miljoner barn vara på flykt inom eller utanför landets gränser. En hel generation har växt upp i krig. Hur påverkas de och deras framtid? Vilken tillgång har de till rättigheter som skolgång, mat och vatten? Och hur stor del av den humanitära hjälpen går till barn och unga?

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19 oktober, 2018, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning

The environment of lasting peace

Datum och tid: 25 okt, 15:00 - 16:30

There are many challenges to sustaining peace in post-war countries, and sustainable peaceis more than absence of war. To build sustainable peace is to promote conditions where peace can prosper. Today, that means dealing with environmental challenges – such as climate change and exploitation of natural resources – as well as social and political issues. Welcome to a seminar that will explore challenges to building sustainable peace after a violent conflict, zooming in on environmental issues and the ongoing peace process in Colombia.

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4 oktober, 2018, English, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning


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