The state of underfunded humanitarian system
20 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
Alla publicerade artiklar inom denna kategori.
20 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
Vill ni ta emot en praktikant genom FUF:s praktikantprogram behöver ni skicka in er ifyllda annons senast denna dag. Se instruktioner längst ner här!
14 januari, 2019, Kalendarium, Karriär, Praktikantprogrammet
Datum och tid: 11 feb, 18:00 - 20:00
What could the role of the EU be in a rapidly changing global order with increasing trends towards anti-multilateralism? How to build a stronger political Europe-Africa partnership beyond the North-South aid relationship of the past? How to stimulate more inclusive policies that can tackle the growing inequalities and frustrations of the younger generations? Welcome to a seminar with Geert Laporte, Deputy Director of the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) in Brussels.
14 januari, 2019, English, Event, Kalendarium, Podcast, Webbsändning
14 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
14 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
14 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
14 januari, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium