Swedish Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina – the Case of Inclusive Economic Development
12 april, 2019, Extern aktivitet, Kalendarium
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Av: Kansliet
Slaveri är något som ofta förknippas med kolonialtidens slavhandel, men än idag finns många former av slaveri runtom i världen. Läs om gästarbetare i Qatar, hembiträden i Mexiko, kidnappade kvinnor i Kirgizistan och nunnor som blir sexuellt utnyttjade inom katolska kyrkan.
11 april, 2019, Nyhet
Thursday, January 1st 1863 was a bright and crispy day in Washington D.C. The sky was clear and the wind biting and dry, making the great magnolia trees sway back and forth on the White House south lawn. That morning, Abraham Lincoln got out of bed exceptionally early. He had so much to do, but […]
Av: Åsa Setterquist och Hanna Geschewski
Many were shocked when FIFA announced their choice for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. It is not only a wildcard in international football, but also notorious for the unworthy treatment of its many migrant workers. With only three years left until the first kick-off, not much seems to have improved.
Av: Vittorio Capici och Wooseong Kim
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the most ambitious transnational development projects ever implemented. However, many EU analysts and policymakers fear the changes that BRI will bring to the European labour markets. This article will bring you to Prato, a key centre for the Italian textile industry, where the Chinese immigrant workers have been hired under inhumane conditions for 40 years and where the Chinese government decided to invest once again.
Av: Iryna Sharypina och Tessa Stockburger
In Kyrgyzstan, a girl is kidnapped every 40 minutes and forced into a marriage with her kidnapper. Now as #MeToo has spread around the globe, Kyrgyz women and girls are speaking out to end this practice.
Av: Alexandra Håkansson och Lisa Elamson
In 2017 the Afghan government introduced a new Criminal Code explicitly addressing the under-reported issue of bacha bazi. The practice involves older men taking advantage of young boys in vulnerable situations and has increased since the fall of the Taliban regime. Although introducing new laws banning bacha bazi is a welcome move, the issue extends far beyond national laws.
Av: Johanna Caminati Engström och Jonathan Wirths
In India, addressing sex trafficking remains a challenge. A study from 2013 found that four in five female sex workers in the country have been trafficked and forced into the industry. But what happens afterwards? What are the challenges for organisations that try to support sex workers who have been trafficked? Olga González, who has recently worked in one of Asia’s largest and oldest red light areas in Mumbai, answered our questions.
Av: Harmat Frigyes
More and more cases of sexual misconduct by Catholic officials against nuns are coming to light. As voices for equality within the world’s largest religious organization are getting louder than ever, the Catholic Church is once again in controversy.