Activism for supply chain laws?

The Supply Chain Law could be a good step to ensure that palm oil, transported in the picture, is sustainably sourced. Photo: Rainforest Action Network, Flickr

Av: Kathrin Hegger

In Germany, an initiative of several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) is raising awareness of a draft law that can improve the lives of millions of people and the environment: the Supply Chain Act. But broad public recognition is still lacking.

30 januari, 2020, Article, English, Magazine

Water as a human right

Should the access to water be privatised or should it be free for everyone? Photo: United Nations Photo/Flickr.

Av: Kathrin Hegger

The supply of water, our most essential natural resource, will face shortages in the coming decades. Water was declared a human right by the UN in 2010. Therefore its accessibility should be ensured. In which way this will be done remains disputed.

17 juni, 2019, English, Magazine, Opinion

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