The hunt for snowballs might get difficult. Photo: Kathryn Hansen, NASA


FUF Magazine theme III: Climate Change

Instead, as research has confirmed over and over again, increasing greenhouse gas emissions raise the average temperature on earth over time. Therefore, in this edition we share some perspectives on issues related to climate change which may change our planet as we know it. Meanwhile, Senator Inhofe’s hunt for snowball and cheap points continues, although chances are it will be increasingly difficult for him to find one. We will, however, offer some thoughts on why Inhofe is in denial, on the consumerist culture, climate refugees, biofuels and the North-South divide in this issue.

A few years ago, in what became a quite (in) famous YouTube clip, United States senator Joe Inhofe brought a snowball into the U.S. Congress. During a climate change debate, Inhofe pulled out the snowball from a plastic bag and said:

“ We keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record. But do you know what this is? This is a snowball, and it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out”.

What senator Inhofe failed to understand was that it does not matter how cold it is in Washington D.C. on a specific day. Instead, as research has confirmed over and over again, increasing greenhouse gas emissions raise the average temperature on earth over time. Therefore, in this edition we share some perspectives on issues related to climate change which may change our planet as we know it. Meanwhile, Senator Inhofe’s hunt for snowball and cheap points continues, although chances are it will be increasingly difficult for him to find one. We will, however, offer some thoughts on why Inhofe is in denial, on the consumerist culture, climate refugees, biofuels and the North-South divide in this issue.

Have a good read!

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