Av: Fredrika Sweno
Despite increased awareness and research showing that climate change is real, peoples concern for the problem has been shown to decrease, including mine. Why do we rather ignore climate change than face it? Per Stoknes presents five main barriers that help us ignore this issue and brings clarity to why many of us rather not […]
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1 mars, 2018, Chronicle, English, FUF Lund, Magazine
What are low-income countries obligations in combating climate change? Foto: Khuroshvili Ilya, Flickr
Av: Dimen Hoshiar och Mathilda Englund
Climate change is global in its nature, yet nations argue who ought to undertake the responsibility of solving the issue of global warming. International negotiations resulted in the Kyoto Protocol, which exempted low income countries from any obligations. Frank Baber, from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, proposes a human rights approach in order to find a […]
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27 februari, 2018, Article, English, FUF Lund, Magazine
Av: Kajsa Fernström Nåtby
At this year’s UN climate conference COP23, the host country Fiji tried a new concept called The Open Dialogue which allowed civil society and states to meet. With that being categorized as new concept, it is safe to say that there is room for improvement when it comes to the inclusion of civil society in […]
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27 februari, 2018, English, FUF Lund, Magazine, Opinion
Av: Kristoffer Berglund
Amidst the chaos in contemporary politics with an escalating polarization, another story has passed by relatively quietly. For the first time in decades, during 2016 global hunger increased instead of decreased. The number? Some 38 million people. The Food and Agriculture Organization claims that the reason, contrary to populist belief, is the one-two punch of […]
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26 februari, 2018, Chronicle, English, FUF Lund, Magazine