Av: Kansliet
Just nu är det svårt att resa – och ännu svårare att fly och migrera. Men trots att gränser är stängda på grund av coronapandemin finns desperationen, risktagandet och förlusterna kring migration kvar. FUF:s lokalgrupp i Lund har gjort en hel artikelserie om migration.
1 juni, 2020, Nyhet
Migrating birds fly across a blue sky tinged red by looming clouds. The migration journey is often one filled with hope, tinged with looming danger and despair. Photo: rihaij/Pixabay
Av: Lauren Tropeano
It feels strange to release an issue about migration in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. The irony of writing about the movement of people at a time when movement has been so severely restricted is not lost on us. Yet the reminders of desperation, risk and loss that often accompany migration are present even […]
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1 juni, 2020, Article, English, Magazine
Individuals and families migrate in hope of a better future and freedom. Photo: jaci XIII/Flickr
Av: Alice Hertzberg
My interest in the relationship between migration and development grew when anti-immigration discourses started to gain a stronger foothold in Europe and the US. In the meantime, the largest refugee crisis since the second world war took place in parts of the Middle East and Africa. The year was 2015, the same year the UN […]
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1 juni, 2020, English, Guest piece, Magazine
In times of a global crisis, solidarity, humanity and cooperation over borders are more important than ever, writes Josefine Nilsson. Photo: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
Av: Josefine Nilsson
During these turbulent times, ongoing humanitarian disasters are often overshadowed by the coronavirus. There seems to be a tendency to overlook commitments to international cooperation and assistance. We currently experience this both within the European Union and the United Nations. The EU failed to answer Italy’s request for assistance at the beginning of the outbreak, […]
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1 juni, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine
The use of iris scans is now becoming a regular practice in UNHCR’s registration activities. Photo: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
Av: Donya Zikry
In 2015, UNHCR began rolling out the Biometric Identity Management System (BIMS), which collects photos, iris scans and fingerprints of refugees. They are stored in the organisation’s digital Population Registration and Identity Management Ecosystem (PRIMES), which not only includes BIMS, but also comprises all of UNHCR’s digital registration, identity management and case management tools. The […]
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1 juni, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine
Dr. Jeevan Baniya from the Social Science Baha Research Institute in Kathmandu describes the situation of Nepali migrant workers abroad as one of the main concerns of the country during the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: Jeevan Baniya/onlinekhabar.com
Av: Hanna Geschewski
Hundreds of thousands of Nepali migrant workers are directly affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. To learn more about their precarious situation, FUF Magazine spoke with Dr. Jeevan Baniya, a labour and migration expert from Kathmandu.
1 juni, 2020, Article, English, Magazine
Refugee crises around the world have made several children vulnerable as they have been forced to move from the country where they were born. Photo: Trocaire/ Wikimedia Commons
Av: Carlos Ranero
Currently, there are almost 50 million children that have been forced to leave their country of origin. This has prompted different organisations such as Save the Children to establish various programs to help them during their migration. Some of these programmes focus on helping the children to have a better time while they wait for […]
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1 juni, 2020, Chronicle, English, Magazine
With the increase in sea levels, the protection walls in the Kiribati islands can no longer handle the tides Photo: Break Free/Flickr
Av: Alexandru Mocanu
A Kiribati national, after unsuccessful attempts to get asylum in New Zealand, brought his case to the UN Human Rights Committee. In spite of its negative ruling, the Committee seems to have opened the doors for granting protection for people at risk of displacement from climate change in the future.
1 juni, 2020, English, Magazine, News article
Datum och tid: 16 okt, 16:00 - 17:00
Ökad jämställdhet är ett av de 17 globala målen inom FN:s Agenda 2030. Vad innebär detta egentligen och varför är det viktigt? Hur ser en jämställd värld ut och hur kan vi nå dit? Hur påverkas jämställdhetsarbetet i tider där en global pandemi dominerar? Hur kan vi gå från teori till praktik? FUF bjuder in dig till onlinesamtal […]
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1 juni, 2020, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning
Datum och tid: 11 jun, 18:30 - 19:30
Arbetet med att diskutera olika komponenter som skapar hållbar fred och säkerhet i vår värld får inte sluta! Därför vill FUF:s nätverk för Global hållbar fred och säkerhet bjuda in till ett öppet kvällssamtal om hur den fredliga utvecklingen i världen ser ut och hur Covid-19 påverkar denna utveckling. Organisationen Institute for economics and peace släpper varje år […]
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29 maj, 2020, Event, Kalendarium, Webbsändning