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A conversation about female genital mutilation and gender equality

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Genital mutilation of girls and women is done to control girls’ and women’s bodies and sexuality. It has to do with, among other things, the notion that men’s and families’ honour is linked to women’s and girls’ sexual behaviour. Genital mutilation of girls and women involves removing or damaging smaller or larger parts of the external female genital tract. The procedures have no medical basis.

FUF:s event group has invited Charity Resian from Läkarmissionen for a digital conversation about female genital mutilation and how it is interlinked with gender equality, women’s rights and empowerment. 

Charity Resian is an anti-FGM activist and a FGM policy and advocacy specialist at Läkarmissionen. She grew up in a small Maasai village called ‘ilchampai’ in rural Kenya, where female genital mutilation was common practice. At the age of 16, a film was screened in her school that would completely change her life. The film showed the devastating consequences of female genital mutilation on the health of girls and women. This impacted her to refuse to go through the practice of FGM herself, which caused very strong reactions within the community. 

The session will be held on Zoom. After the conversation, we will open up for questions.

Date: 23th of May 

Time: 18.00-19.00 

Register your participation before the 23th of May, through this link.

Most welcome!  

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