Submit an internship advertisement

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    Company/authority/bigger organisation (SEK 10.000)Small civil society organisation (SEK 5.000)Department/unit at Sida (special procurement)

    After our selection, an invoice will be sent out once you confirm your participation.

    10 weeks20 weeks

    Fill in the options that apply to you.


    Which of the global goals will the trainee work directly with?:
    1. No poverty2. Zero hunger3. Good health and well-being4. Quality education5. Gender equality6. Clean water and sanitation7. Affordable and clean energy8. Decent work and economic growth9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure10. Reduced inequalities11. Sustainable cities and communities12. Responsible consumption and production13. Climate action14. Life below water15. Life on land16. Peace, justice and strong institutions17. Partnership for the goals

    Internship Ad Tags:
    Children/YouthAid workCivil society issuesDemocracyEconomicsResearchPublic administrationPeace/ConflictHealthHumanitarian issuesInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)InnovationEqualityClimate/EnvironmentCommunicationHuman RightsAdvocacyProject managementStatisticsEducationEvaluation (M&E)