Sida must prioritize the work against the illegal distribution of weapons

Small and light weapons - such as pistols and rifles - kill half a million people every year. They are therefore called today's real weapons of mass destruction.

Of: Body Valero, Charlotta Lotta Hedström, Charlotte Lotta Ohlsson, Christer Winbäck, Desired Pethrus, Eva Zetterberg, Håkan Svenneling, Hanna Gunnarsson, Karin Enström, Lotta Johnson Fornarve and Yasmine Posio Nilsson

Every day, an average of 575 people in the world are killed by weapons such as rifles and pistols. The Government's priorities in these matters are clear. Reducing the illegal flow of small arms and light weapons is an important goal of peace work. Now Sida must also listen to it, write 11 current and former members of parliament from different parties.

October 1, 2019, Debate

A world for everyone - not just for a few

Photo: Politicians' Week in Almedalen, Flickr

Of: Yasmine Posio Nilsson

The goal of the Left Party is a fair world order where common resources exist for all of us, not just for a few. That is why we want to pursue a policy where power and resources are redistributed, where women are included in all forms of decision-making processes and where at least one percent of Sweden's gross national income goes to development assistance, writes Member of Parliament Yasmine Posio Nilsson.

May 28, 2018, Debate