Of: Ulrika Modéer
Sweden, through the development agency Sida, is at the top when it comes to gender equality work in global health. It shows a new report launched today. Now we must continue to work to engage boys and men in global health, increase the proportion of female managers in global health actors and create jobs free from sexism, writes State Secretary Ulrika Modéer.
March 8, 2018, Debate
Of: Ulrika Modéer
The work against uncontrolled proliferation of small and light weapons has long been a priority issue for Sweden. This is shown, among other things, in the budget for 2018, writes State Secretary Ulrika Modéer in a response to the Parliamentary Forum for Light Weapons questions.
December 11, 2017, Debate
Of: Ulrika Modéer
Business collaboration in development assistance is about taking advantage of the knowledge, experience and resources that the business community has at its disposal and to catalyze more, better and faster change. Penny Davies, Diakonia, is concerned that important principles for aid effectiveness will be thwarted when the OCED DAC now reviews which private sector instruments should be counted as aid. Sweden is working with full force to prevent this from happening, writes State Secretary Ulrika Modéer.
April 3, 2017, Debate