Can petrol taxes that go to investments in public transport be a good way to reduce climate emissions? Photo: Nomad (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
Petrol tax, innovations or Swedish exports. The bids on how to reduce climate emissions were many on this week's opinion pages. In addition, several debaters pointed out that Sweden should take more responsibility for human rights.
December 11, 2019, Current debate
Can a trade agreement with Cuba lead to a dialogue on democracy and human rights? Or is it the other way around? Photo: Mstyslav Chernov (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
For the second time this year, the government has submitted a proposal to the Riksdag to approve the new trade agreement between the EU and Cuba. The agreement is presented as a precondition for cooperation and dialogue with Cuba on democracy and human rights. But on the debate pages, opinions differ on the new trade agreement.
November 7, 2019, Current debate
In connection with the People's Republic of China's 70th anniversary celebrations, several debaters warned about the country's influence in the outside world.
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
The debate on Swedish climate policy has been intense after last week's UN summit, new alarm reports and global climate strikes. But China has also been in focus this week. Several debaters warn that human rights violations are spreading far beyond China's borders.
October 2, 2019, Current debate
The EU election on Sunday was the focus of most opinion polls this week.
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
Sunday's election to the European Parliament has been the focus of most media's opinion pages this week. Several debaters demand that the EU focus more on climate policy, while others are concerned about the increased influence of right-wing populists in Europe.
May 23, 2019, Current debate
Young people gather for climate strike in Melbourne. Photo: Julian Meehan
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
During the past week, debate and leadership sites have discussed Swedish security policy, Sweden's and the UN's human rights work and the Swedish international relationship with China. What is the next step in climate work after a global school strike? And how should Sweden develop its diplomatic relationship with China?
March 20, 2019, Current debate
Swedish citizenship has been discussed this week after the fall of the IS regime. Photo Trausti Evans Flickr
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
How should Sweden's decision - makers act towards arrested and returning Swedes who traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the IS caliphate? Deprivation of citizenship, Sweden's responsibility and security has been intensively discussed this week.
February 27, 2019, Current debate