Living as a LGBTQ + person in Zambia has reminded me why Pride is needed

In some parts of the world, LGBTQ + people still have to hide who we are. It writes FUF correspondent Sofia Karlsson, who is currently in Zambia - a country where homosexuality is illegal. Photo: Ajay Mahato. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Sofia Karlsson

During the month of June, Pride is celebrated in several parts of the world. Many people see it mostly as an opportunity to dance in the street and wear a huge amount of glitter, but the first Pridethe parade was a political protest against harassment that LGBTQ + people were forced to endure daily. I'm bisexual myself, and after living in Zambia for the past six months, I've been reminded why Pride is still needed.

July 3, 2022, Chronicle

Stockholm + 50 is already forgotten - but the climate activists continue the fight

When politicians promise a lot but do not live up to their promises, it is no wonder that people get annoyed. It's easy to lose hope - it's been a long time since I thought a climate conference would lead to results that actually work. It writes FUF correspondent Sofia Karlsson in a column. Photo: Derek Read. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Sofia Karlsson

At the beginning of June, the UN meeting Stockholm + 50 took place, to mark 50 years since the first international climate conference was held in Sweden. But despite a lot of commotion before the conference, it was mostly talk and a little workshop. It is still young climate activists who are forced to lead the fight for climate justice.  

June 30, 2022, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

Aid actors have stopped turning a blind eye to trans and intersex issues

A person with eye shadow in the colors of the trans flag. Photo: Kyle, Unsplash

Of: Sofia Karlsson

Trans and intersex groups are particularly vulnerable to abuse, intimidation and discrimination. At the same time, they are underfunded by aid actors globally, despite the fact that the issue has now received more attention and the movement has made great progress. Swedish assistance to trans and intersex organization is a world leader, but many challenges remain.

May 18, 2021, Reportage

Week 17: New wave of covid-19 in India, Swedish geopolitics and authoritarian regimes

Photo: Firos nv, Unsplash

Of: Erica Frank and Sofia Karlsson

This week, the debate has mainly focused on global health, focusing on India's new wave of covid-19, so-called vaccine nationalism, and how the Indian government has handled the crisis. It has also been written about Erdogan's influence on Swedish history writing and about Swedish handling of authoritarian regimes.

May 4, 2021, Current debate

Swedish development cooperation in Asia and the Pacific one year after the outbreak of the pandemic

Khun Anchana Heemmina heads the civil society organization Duay Jai Group in Thailand. Covid-19 has had major consequences for vulnerable groups in Asia and the Pacific. Photo: Anchana Heemmina

Of: Sofia Karlsson

More than a year has now passed since the covid-19 pandemic broke out. Utvecklingsmagasinet has met Åsa Hedén, head of the development section at the Swedish embassy in Bangkok, to hear how their work in the region has been affected by the pandemic and what they have learned a year later.

April 7, 2021, Interview