Of: Sanna Lindh
President Trump's administration wants to sell contracts to various companies that could allow companies to drill oil in Alaska's pristine coastal areas. The decision is highly publicized and several environmental organizations and Biden oppose the decision, while oil-friendly companies now see great opportunities.
December 4, 2020, News
In Nigeria, major protests are taking place against the brutal police violence. Photo: Photo by Kaizenify via Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Of: Sanna Lindh
Protests against police violence in Nigeria have been highlighted in this week's debate and attracted worldwide attention. During the week, the Swedish government also announced its decision on an increased contribution to the UN's food program, WFP, to tackle the world's global hunger crisis.
October 28, 2020, Current debate
Of: Sanna Lindh
Since 2014, Sweden has tripled its measures to developing countries regarding climate technology, emission reductions and climate adaptation. Now the government announces that they will increase climate investments.
October 9, 2020, News