In Tunisia, the unions played a crucial role in reducing tensions after the Arab Spring, writes debater Ruben Wågman. Photo: Gilbert Scossar and private
Of: Ruben Wågman
Through the work for decent wages, social security, and the pursuit of dialogue, democratic unions have a unique ability to work for peace and prevent conflict. It shows examples from Sudan, Tunisia, South Korea and Brazil, among others. More voices and actors, both in Sweden and in the world, need to stand up for people's right to organize and work in a union.
October 29, 2019, Debate
Decent working conditions are crucial for both poverty reduction and climate change, writes Union to Union.
Of: Ruben Wågman
On Sunday, there are elections to the European Parliament and a lot is about the EU's internal issues. But the EU is also an important foreign policy player, not least in its role as the world's largest donor. That is why it is extremely important that the newly elected Swedish parliamentarians invest from day one in ensuring that EU aid is focused on decent and sustainable jobs.
May 23, 2019, Debate