Debaters call for Swedish leadership in humanitarian aid

Uganda Red Cross

Countries without access to clean water, soap and medicines now need support more than ever before, several debaters write. Photo: Anna Dubuis / DFID

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

The Corona pandemic makes it more important than ever that Sweden acts as a humanitarian superpower. That was the message on several opinion pages a week. At the same time, a debater pointed out that we must not forget other news, such as that Saab continues to sell weapons to the Yemeni war.

April 16, 2020, Current debate

The prison sentence against Gui Minhai created debate on the leadership side

The Chinese verdict against the Swedish author and publisher Gui Minhai has created tensions between Sweden and China. Photo: Pixabay and Chris McKenna (CC BY-SA)

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

Following the ruling against Gui Minhai, Sweden's diplomatic relationship with China is being opposed to sharp action for human rights. It has created debate on Swedish opinion pages. In addition, 14 European foreign ministers are calling for a ceasefire following an escalating conflict in the Syrian province of Idlib.

February 27, 2020, Current debate

China's ambassador creates outrage on leaders' sides

China's ambassador to Sweden has created a debate following his threats and pressure on journalists.

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

What consequences will there be for China's ambassador to Sweden after a series of undemocratic initiatives? This is a question that several editorial boards have asked themselves in the past week. In addition, the World Economic Forum is considered to be characterized by the climate crisis for the first time.

January 22, 2020, Current debate

Black Friday created a debate about climate colonialism and poverty


On Black Friday, we are encouraged to consume more than usual. It has created debate on Swedish opinion pages.

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

Is climate colonialism behind Swedes' consumption? Or is it in fact poverty that causes emissions? These are issues that have been debated in connection with Black Friday and the UN climate summit in Madrid. In addition, Sweden's military efforts in Iraq and the new EU Commission have been discussed.

December 4, 2019, Current debate

Turkey and the aid budget in focus in the debate

Sweden's and the EU's relationship with Turkish President Erdogan has been on the agenda this week. It also has the Swedish development assistance budget. Photo: Russia Presidential Office and Maria Eklind

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

Turkey's offensive in northern Syria characterizes the Swedish debate this week as well. More people have been forced to flee, which has created humanitarian needs. The Swedish government and the EU have been criticized for not doing enough. In addition, the debate on the size of the development assistance budget continued.

October 23, 2019, Current debate